title | order |
Wall of Shame |
1 |
Why does this exist?
The **SSO Tax** stands for the practice of SaaS vendors to upcharge for Single-Sign-On ("SSO").As a consequence, features like SSO, and more specifically OpenID Connect or SAML, are often restricted to enterprise-level subscriptions. This pricing strategy makes it prohibitively expensive for non-enterprise businesses to centrally manage their employees' access. Find out more about the why.
The following list includes vendors that have SSO locked up in an subscription tier that is more than 10% more expensive than the standard price.
Imagine buying a car and the manufacturer asks for an extra payment to unlock 100% of the braking power. Not offering security features if they already exist in your product means a vendor doesn’t care about your security. Our aim is to spotlight vendors who overcharge for security features, in hopes of instigating a change in the industry.
What apps do I have?
Organizations often use more apps than their internal IT departments are aware of. Employees may start using new apps when they see a benefit, which can lead to sensitive data ending up with unapproved vendors.You can't protect what you can't see. To discover all applications used in your organization, try the free Shadow IT Scanner{:target="blank"} powered by AccessOwl.
{% include sharing_links.html %}
Vendor | Increase Paid SSO | Base Pricing | Paid SSO Pricing | Pricing Scheme | Free SSO Providers | Notes | Source | Updated | ||
{% include vendor_logo.html vendor_url=vendor.vendor_url vendor_name=vendor.name %} | {{ vendor.name }} |
{% if sso_increase == "unknown" %}
Pricing is not transparent and unknown. Often vendors ask you to call them to get a quote.
{% else %}
{{ sso_increase }}%
{% endif %}
{% if vendor.base_pricing == "unknown" %} ??? {% else %} {{ vendor.base_pricing | format: vendor.currency}} {% endif %} | {% if vendor.sso_pricing == "unknown" %} ??? {% else %} {{ vendor.sso_pricing | format: vendor.currency}} {% endif %} | {{ vendor.pricing_scheme }} | {% include vendor_free_sso_providers.html providers=vendor.free_sso_providers %} |
{{ vendor.notes | truncate: 25 }}
{{ vendor.notes }}
{% include vendor_pricing_sources.html pricing_sources=vendor.pricing_sources %} | {{ vendor.updated_at }} | {% include vendor_edit_link.html vendor_path=vendor.path vendor_name=vendor.name %} |
{% include vendor_table_footer.html %}