We appreciate your interest in Warp Factory! If you're new to the project, please create an issue before sending a pull request so that we can assess how your use-case fits in with our overall project goals and how best to support it.
You can find instructions for creating a pull request in GitHub Help.
If you'd like to support the project in other ways, please consider:
- Citing it in a paper (see the instructions in the README)
- Applying for a Warp Grant
- Starring the project
- Tweeting about it
Since Warp Factory is released under the MIT license, anyone is free to fork the project and release derivative works so long as Warp Factory is properly cited. If you choose this route, we're still super interested in your work! Send us an email at create@appliedphysics.org so we can keep in touch.
By contributing code to Warp Factory, you represent that you own the copyright on your contributions, or that you have followed the licensing requirements of the copyright holder, and that Applied Physics may use your code without any further restrictions other than those specified in the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the LICENSE
file in the root directory of the project.