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Releases: NerdNu/WingCommander


03 May 12:50
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Correct the conditions for assisted take-off.

Update to Spigot API 1.15.2.


31 Dec 07:46
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Updated for Minecraft 1.13.


07 Dec 10:41
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Fix NPE updating wing durability boss bar on player death.


06 Nov 12:06
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Allow players to do rocket-assisted take-off with a rocket in either their off hand or their main hand.

Allow rocket-assisted take-off from any transparent block (e.g. plants, torches, fences etc.) except liquids (to be consistent with vanilla behaviour).

Prevent players from performing the rocket-assisted take-off while in a vehicle.


29 Sep 19:58
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Assist take-off by setting glide when a player fires a rocket while in the air and wearing unbroken elytra.

This pacifies NCP's SurvivalFly check, so default permissions players will find they are no longer set back on the ground when taking off.

1.8.0 - Challenger2 PR: throw or drop TNT

27 Mar 09:10
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  • Players with the wingcommander.tnt permission can throw or drop TNT while gliding by left or right clicking the air, respectively.
  • TNT items are always consumed, irrespective of the player's game mode (currently).

1.7.0 - Allow gauges in unpowered flight; added pitch gauge

05 Jun 06:13
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  • Added a pitch gauge (nose angle in degrees, positive up, colour coded).
  • Allow gauges to be shown even if powered flight is not permitted.
  • New permission node (wingcommander.gauge) for using /gauge and seeing gauges.
  • Debounce gauge activation by requiring a minimum glide duration for
    unpowered flight. Powered flight activates gauges immediately.

1.6.0 - Wing percentage durability gauge

24 May 14:20
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Added a gauge to show the remaining durability of the elytra as a percentage, with colour-coding.

1.5.0 - /gauge command

22 May 22:14
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Added /gauge to toggle or set the visibility of the altitude and speed gauges, with persistence across login sessions.

1.4.0 - Essential features.

22 May 19:21
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This is the first public release of WingCommander.

It contains all of the features that are essential at this time (permission, flight dynamics, altimeter and speedometer and atmospheric ceiling).