Interpreter for a subset of the OCaml language.
This project did not intend to use idiomatic rust code. I mainly explored the syntactical possibilites of matches, recursion etc. for rust.
You can use the REPL to directly execute code and try it out
thiserror = "2.0"
Features | Status |
Lexer | ✅ |
Parser | ✅ |
Typechecker | ✅ |
Evaluator | ✅ |
let x = 5 in x
Lex result:
[LET, VAR("x"), EQ, CON(ICON(5)), IN, VAR("x")]
Parse result:
Let("x", Con(Icon(5)), Var("x"))
Typechecker result:
Evaluator result:
let rec fib (a:int) : int -> int -> int = fun (b:int) -> fun (n:int) -> if n <= 0 then a else fib (b) (a+b) (n-1) in fib 0 1 8
Lex result:
[LET, REC, VAR("fib"), LP, VAR("a"), COL, VAR("int"), RP, COL, VAR("int"), ARR, VAR("int"), ARR, VAR("int"), EQ, LAM, LP, VAR("b"), COL, VAR("int"), RP, ARR, LAM, LP, VAR("n"), COL, VAR("int"), RP, ARR, IF, VAR("n"), LEQ, CON(ICON(0)), THEN, VAR("a"), ELSE, VAR("fib"), LP, VAR("b"), RP, LP, VAR("a"), ADD, VAR("b"), RP, LP, VAR("n"), SUB, CON(ICON(1)), RP, IN, VAR("fib"), CON(ICON(0)), CON(ICON(1)), CON(ICON(8))]
Parse result:
Letrecty("fib", "a", Int, Arrow(Int, Arrow(Int, Int)), Lamty("b", Int, Lamty("n", Int, If(Oapp(Leq, Var("n"), Con(Icon(0))), Var("a"), Fapp(Fapp(Fapp(Var("fib"), Var("b")), Oapp(Add, Var("a"), Var("b"))), Oapp(Sub, Var("n"), Con(Icon(1))))))), Fapp(Fapp(Fapp(Var("fib"), Con(Icon(0))), Con(Icon(1))), Con(Icon(8))))
Typechecker result:
Evaluator result:
Example usage code:
use Sub_OCaml::{lexer, parse, ty, type_check};
fn main() {
let src = "let x = 5 in x";
println!("Code: {} \n", src);
let tokenlist: Vec<Token> = lexer(&src).unwrap();
println!("After Lex: {:?} \n", tokenlist);
let ast = parse(tokenlist).unwrap().0;
println!("After Parse: {:?} \n", ast);
let mut map: BTreeMap<String, ty> = BTreeMap::new();
let typed = super::type_check(&mut map, ast).unwrap();
println!("After Typecheck: {:?}", typed);