- src -- contains source codee
- tst -- contains testing logicc
- pom.xml -- gets dependencies from maven
- testCSV.csv -- csv file with multiple firewall rules. Used by testing logic
- Install maven -- https://maven.apache.org/install.html
- Run mvn clean package
- I designed a trie data structure (binary) to store and quickly search existing rules associated with different IP addresses
- I used multiple tries (4 - one for each direction and each protocol)
- The idea was to reduce the search time (i.e. firewall latency)
- The tries could easily get skewed and hog up all the memory on the system, especially for sparse IP address spaces
- I could have invested more into an optimized version of tries to ensure that the tries are always balanced
- Data Team (intrigued -- would love to know more)
- Policy Team
- Platform Team
Reach out to me at my email (neha2493@gmail.com) or my linkedin (https://www.linkedin.com/in/kuneha/) profile.