This nuget gives you access to code model abstractions.
You can extend your template with custom functions. Custom functions are defined in separate .nt.cs file that should be located in the same project as *.nt template file. It does not have to be csharp project though, since this file will be compiled outside of the project. This imposes some constraints on the file:
- no external dependencies are allowed
- the file will be compiled with .net Standard 2.0 regardless of the project settings in which it is placed
Sample file (*.nt.cs) with custom function and all necessary boilerplate code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using NTypewriter.CodeModel;
namespace ConsoleApp
class NameIsNotImportant
public static string MyCustomFunction(IClass @class)
return $"Hello world from {@class.Name}";
All defined custom functions are available in template with "Custom" prefix. Only public static methods defined inside class are recognized as custom functions.
{{- capture output
for class in data.Classes
class | Custom.MyCustomFunction | String.Append "\n"
Save output "index.txt"
You can debug custom functions with the help of the second instance of Visual Studio. The easiest way to do that is by placing Debugger.Launch()
from System.Diagnostics
inside your custom function.