Almost all available here options you can set in two ways:
- in separate c# file (with *.nt.cs extension) that will be used by all templates in given project (global configuration)
- inside *.nt template (local configuration),
Local configuration should be used only at the beginning of the template, before any other template code. If both configuration options are used, the local configuration will overwrite things set in the global configuration.
Files that contain global configuration are detected by file extension : *.nt.cs.
How global configuration is discovered and compiled, you can see in GlobalConfigurationLoader.cs
[NTEditorFile] attribute is obsolete, and will be removed in the future. Please change the file extension to .nt.cs instead of using this attribute.
To create global configuration for your templates you will need at least one nuget:
if you plan to create custom function you will need also this one:
You can extend your template with custom functions. Custom functions are defined in separate .nt.cs file that should be located in the same project as *.nt template file. It does not have to be csharp project though, since this file will be compiled outside of the project. This imposes some constraints on the file:
- no external dependencies are allowed
- the file will be compiled with .net Standard 2.0 regardless of the project settings in which it is placed
Sample file with custom function and all necessary boilerplate code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using NTypewriter.Editor.Config;
using NTypewriter.CodeModel;
namespace ConsoleApp
class NTEConfig : EditorConfig
public override IEnumerable<Type> TypesThatContainCustomFunctions
yield return typeof(NTEConfig);
public static string MyCustomFunction(IClass @class)
return $"Hello world from {@class.Name}";
All defined custom functions are available in template with "Custom" prefix:
{{- capture output
for class in data.Classes
class | Custom.MyCustomFunction | String.Append "\n"
Save output "index.txt"
By default, all created files are added to project in which template is located.
Global configuration (*.nt.cs file)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using NTypewriter.Editor.Config;
namespace ConsoleApp
class NTEConfig : EditorConfig
public override bool AddGeneratedFilesToVSProject { get => true; }
Local configuration
{{ config.AddGeneratedFilesToVSProject = true }}
Only types located in given namespaces will be available in code model.
Global configuration (*.nt.cs file)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using NTypewriter.Editor.Config;
namespace ConsoleApp
class NTEConfig : EditorConfig
public override IEnumerable<string> NamespacesToBeSearched
yield return "MediatR";
yield return "Scriban";
Local configuration
{{ config.NamespacesToBeSearched = ["MediatR", "Scriban"] }}
By default code model is populated with symbols from all projects in solution. With this option, you can limit the scope to only specified projects. When you have a lot of projects in your solution, using this option can significantly improve performance (see #29 ).
Global configuration (*.nt.cs file)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using NTypewriter.Editor.Config;
namespace ConsoleApp
class NTEConfig : EditorConfig
public override IEnumerable<string> ProjectsToBeSearched
yield return "NTypewriter.CodeModel";
yield return "Scriban";
Local configuration
{{ config.ProjectsToBeSearched = ["NTypewriter.CodeModel", "Scriban"] }}
This option allows getting access to symbols defined in all referenced assemblies, even System symbols. Thus it should only be used with very limited code model by GetProjectsToBeSearched and/or GetNamespacesToBeSearched, otherwise, your code model will contain thousands of symbols.
Also, have in mind that symbols from the same assembly but referenced from different projects are treated as different symbols. The best way to avoid duplication it is to use this option enabled only when GetProjectsToBeSearched returns limited number of projects without references to the same assembly.
Global configuration (*.nt.cs file)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using NTypewriter.Editor.Config;
namespace ConsoleApp
class NameDoesNotMatter : EditorConfig
public override bool SearchInReferencedProjectsAndAssemblies => false;
Local configuration
{{ config.SearchInReferencedProjectsAndAssemblies = false }}
With this option, you can decide if you want to automatically render a template always when it is saved.
Global configuration (*.nt.cs file)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using NTypewriter.Editor.Config;
namespace ConsoleApp
class Config : EditorConfig
public override bool RenderWhenTemplateIsSaved { get => false; }
Local configuration
not available
With this option, you can decide if you want to automatically render all templates from a given project, when it is successfully built.
Global configuration (*.nt.cs file)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using NTypewriter.Editor.Config;
namespace ConsoleApp
class Config : EditorConfig
public override bool RenderWhenProjectBuildIsDone { get => false; }
Local configuration
not available