Vets is a concept flutter app that allows farmers to search for veterinary officers in their area, checkout their services and schedule appointments .This is the backend for the flutter app ( It is a grpc service built with go. The grpc service runs CRUD operations against a postgresql database.
- Golang
- Docker was used to continerize the application and deploy it to Google Cloud Run.
- Makfile was used to automate some repetitive tasks on local dev environement
The Go grpc service is deployed to a Google Cloud Run instance and CI pipeline has been setup with Google Cloud Build and Github.A Heroku Postgres Instance has been used for the database.
The grpcurl tool may be used to send requests to the hosted grpc service on cloud run
# server reflection
$ grpcurl list
# example get a veterinry officers within given radius of a particular location
$ grpcurl -d '{"location":{"lat":-1.2939299460360305, "long": 36.799532813964184}, "radius": 300}' vet_backend.VetsBackend/GetVeterinariansInLocation
The grpui tool may also be used to graphicly explore the service and play with it
$ grpcui
- Go 1.15
- Postgresql 13
# Setup Database locally
$ make migrate
$ make seed
# start the grpc service
$ make serve