- Language Server Protocol Support for Emacs
- ❤️ Community Driven
- 💎 Fully featured - supports all features in Language Server Protocol v3.14.
- 🚀 Easy to configure - works out of the box and automatically upgrades if additional packages are present
- 🌟 Flexible - could be configured as full-blown IDE with flashy UI or minimal distraction free
Client for Language Server Protocol (v3.14). lsp-mode aims to provide IDE-like experience by providing optional integration with the most popular Emacs packages like company
, flycheck
and projectile
- Non-blocking asynchronous calls
- Real-time Diagnostics/linting (via builtin
when Emacs > 26, requires flymake>=1.0.5 or flycheck/lsp-ui) - Code completion - using company-lsp or builtin
- Hovers - using lsp-ui
- Code actions - using
or lsp-ui - Code outline - using builtin imenu or
- Code navigation - using builtin xref
- Code lens (references/implementations) - using builtin xref
- Symbol highlights
- Formatting
- Semantic highlighting (as currently implemented by JDT LS and unreleased builds of clangd, cf. Semantic highlighting spec)
- Debugger - dap-mode
- Helm integration - helm-lsp
- Ivy integration - lsp-ivy
- Treemacs integration - lsp-treemacs
- Semantic highlighting (as currently implemented by JDT LS and unreleased builds of clangd, cf. Semantic highlighting spec)
- which-key integration for better discovery
The recommended way to install lsp-mode
is via package.el
- the built-in package manager in Emacs. lsp-mode
is available on the two major package.el
community maintained repos - MELPA Stable and MELPA.
M-x package-install
[RET] lsp-mode
Check the table bellow with the list of supported servers and the corresponding instructions on how to install the server.
You could go minimal and use lsp-mode
as it is without external packages with the built-in flymake
and completion-at-point
or you could install the following extensions for better experience:
- install lsp-ui for flycheck integration and higher level UI modules.
- install company-lsp if you want to use
for completion. - install lsp-treemacs for various three based UI controls (symbols, errors overview, call hierarchy, etc.)
- install helm-lsp provides on type completion afternative of
. - install lsp-ivy provides on type completion afternative of
. - install dap-mode if your language is supported by the debugger.
;; if you want to change prefix for lsp-mode keybindings.
(setq lsp-keymap-prefix "s-l")
(require 'lsp-mode)
(add-hook 'XXX-mode-hook #'lsp)
where XXX
could be major mode like python
, java
, c++
. Alternatively, if you want to minimize you configuration you may use prog-mode-hook
. In case you do that, lsp
will try to start for each programming mode and echo a message when there is no client registered for the current mode or if the corresponding server is not present. In addition, lsp-mode
will automatically detect and configure lsp-ui and company-lsp. To turn off that behavior you could set lsp-auto-configure
to nil
To defer LSP server startup (and DidOpen notifications) until the buffer is visible you can use lsp-deferred
instead of lsp
(add-hook 'XXX-mode-hook #'lsp-deferred)
lsp-mode is included in spacemacs develop branch. Add lsp
to dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
and configure the language that you want to use to be backed by lsp
Replace (require 'lsp-mode)
with the following if you use use-package.
(use-package lsp-mode
;; set prefix for lsp-command-keymap (few alternatives - "C-l", "C-c l")
:init (setq lsp-keymap-prefix "s-l")
:hook (;; replace XXX-mode with concrete major-mode(e. g. python-mode)
(XXX-mode . lsp)
;; if you want which-key integration
(lsp-mode . lsp-enable-which-key-integration))
:commands lsp)
;; optionally
(use-package lsp-ui :commands lsp-ui-mode)
(use-package company-lsp :commands company-lsp)
;; if you are helm user
(use-package helm-lsp :commands helm-lsp-workspace-symbol)
;; if you are ivy user
(use-package lsp-ivy :commands lsp-ivy-workspace-symbol)
(use-package lsp-treemacs :commands lsp-treemacs-errors-list)
;; optionally if you want to use debugger
(use-package dap-mode)
;; (use-package dap-LANGUAGE) to load the dap adapter for your language
;; optional if you want which-key integration
(use-package which-key
To defer LSP server startup (and DidOpen notifications) until the buffer is visible you can use lsp-deferred
instead of lsp
(use-package lsp-mode
:hook (XXX-mode . lsp-deferred)
:commands (lsp lsp-deferred))
Refer to lsp-docker README which provide a guide how you can run lsp-mode
in docker
has predefined list of server configurations (loaded in lsp-clients.el
) containing a mapping from major-mode
to the server configuration or by using activation function. In addition to the default server configuration located in lsp-clients.el
there are few languages servers which require separate package(check Supported languages). When you open a file from a particular project lsp-mode
and call lsp
command lsp-mode
will look for server registrations able to handle current file. If there is such client lsp-mode
will look for the project root. If you open a file from the project for the first time you will be prompted to define the current project root. Once the project root is selected it is saved in lsp-session
file and it will be loaded the next time you start Emacs so you no longer will be asked for a project root when you open a file from that project. Later if you want to change the project root you may use lsp-workspace-folder-remove
to remove the project and call lsp-workspace-folder-add
to add the root. If you want to force starting a particular language server in a file you may use C-u
which will prompt you to select language server to start.
Some of the servers are directly supported by lsp-mode
by requiring
while others require installing additional packages which provide
server specific functionality.
Language | Language Server | Built-in | Installation command | Debugger |
Ada | ada_language_server | Yes | Installation instructions | Yes (gdb) |
Angular | vscode-ng-language-service | Yes | Installation instructions | Not relevant |
Bash | bash-language-server | Yes | npm i -g bash-language-server | |
C++ | ccls | emacs-ccls | ccls | Yes (gdb or lldb) |
C++ | clangd | Yes | clangd | Yes (gdb or lldb) |
C++ | cquery | emacs-cquery | cquery | Yes (gdb or lldb) |
C# | OmniSharp-Roslyn | Yes | OmniSharp-Roslyn | No |
Clojure | clojure-lsp | Yes | clojure-lsp | |
CMake | cmake-language-server | Yes | pip install cmake-language-server | Not relevant |
Crystal | scry | Yes | scry | |
CSS/LessCSS/SASS/SCSS | css | Yes | npm install -g vscode-css-languageserver-bin | |
Dart | dart_analysis_server | Yes | built into dart-sdk | |
Dhall | dhall-lsp-server | Yes | Installation instructions | No |
Dockerfile | dockerfile-language-server-nodejs | Yes | npm install -g dockerfile-language-server-nodejs | |
Dart | dart_language_server | Yes | pub global activate dart_language_server | |
Elixir | elixir-ls | Yes | elixir-ls | Yes |
Elm | elmLS | Yes | npm i -g @elm-tooling/elm-language-server, or clone the repository and follow installation instructions | No |
Erlang | erlang_ls | Yes | erlang_ls | |
Eslint | eslint | Yes | LSP ESLint Guide | N/A |
F# | fsautocomplete | Yes | Automatic by lsp-fsharp | No |
Fortran | fortran-language-server | Yes | pip install fortran-language-server | Yes |
Go | gopls | Yes | go get golang.org/x/tools/gopls@latest docs | Yes |
Go | bingo | Yes | bingo | Yes |
Groovy | groovy-language-server | Yes | groovy-language-server | |
Hack | hhvm | Yes | hhvm | |
HTML | html | Yes | npm install -g vscode-html-languageserver-bin | |
Haskell | IDE engine | lsp-haskell | IDE engine | |
Lua | EmmyLua | Yes | Installation | |
Java | Eclipse JDT LS | lsp-java | Automatic by lsp-java | Yes |
JavaScript/TypeScript | typescript-language-server (recommended) | Yes | npm i -g typescript-language-server; npm i -g typescript | Yes (Firefox/Chrome) |
JavaScript/TypeScript | javascript-typescript-stdio | Yes | npm i -g javascript-typescript-langserver | Yes (Firefox/Chrome) |
JavaScript Flow | flow (add-on if working on a Flow file) | Yes | flow | Yes (Firefox/Chrome) |
Json | vscode-json-languageserver | Yes | Automatic or manual by npm i -g vscode-json-languageserver | |
Julia | lsp-julia | lsp-julia | LanguageServer.jl | |
Kotlin | kotlin-language-server | Yes | kotlin-language-server | |
Nim | nimlsp | Yes | nimble install nimlsp | No |
OCaml | ocaml-language-server | Yes | ocaml-language-server | |
OCaml | ocaml-lsp-server | Yes | ocaml-lsp-server | |
PHP(recommended) | intelephense | Yes | npm i intelephense -g | Yes |
PHP | php-language-server | Yes | php-language-server | Yes |
Powershell | PowerShellEditorServices | Yes | Automatic | Yes |
Python | pyls | Yes | pip install ‘python-language-server[all]’ | Yes |
Python(Microsoft) | Microsoft Python Language Server | lsp-python-ms | lsp-python-ms | Yes |
R | languageserver | Yes | install.packages(“languageserver”) | No |
Ruby | solargraph | Yes | gem install solargraph | Yes |
Rust | rls | Yes | rls | Yes |
Rust | rust-analyzer | Yes | rust-analyzer | |
Scala | Metals | Yes | Metals | |
Swift | sourcekit-LSP | lsp-sourcekit | sourcekit-LSP | Yes (via llvm debug adapter) |
Terraform | terraform-lsp | No | Git clone outside of $GOPATH ; go install. (Requires go > 1.11) | No |
TeX, LaTeX, etc. | Digestif | Yes | luarocks --server http://luarocks.org/dev install digestif | |
Verilog/SystemVerilog | hdl_checker | Yes | pip install hdl-checker –upgrade | No |
VHDL | VHDL Tool | Yes | Download from http://www.vhdltool.com/download | No |
Vimscript | vim-language-server | Yes | npm install -g vim-language-server | n/a |
Vue | vue-language-server | Yes | npm install -g vue-language-server | Yes (Firefox/Chrome) |
XML | lsp4xml | Yes | Download from lsp4xml releases | |
YAML | yaml | Yes | npm install -g yaml-language-server |
When using lsp-mode
most of the features depend on server capabilities.
provides default bindings which are dynamically enabled/disabled
based on the server functionality. All the commands are configured
which is bound to lsp-keymap-prefix
(default s-l
Keybinding | Description |
s-l s s | Entry point for the server startup. |
s-l s r | Restart language server |
s-l s q | Shutdown language server |
s-l s d | Describes current dession |
s-l s D | Disconnect the buffer from the language server keeping the server running. |
s-l = = | Ask the server to format this document. |
s-l = r | Ask the server to format the region, or if none is selected, the current line. |
s-l F a | Add new project root to the list of workspace folders. |
s-l F r | Remove project root from the list of workspace folders. |
s-l F b | Remove project root from the workspace blacklist. |
s-l T l | Toggle code-lens overlays. |
s-l T L | Toggle client-server protocol logging. |
s-l T h | Toggle symbol highlighting. |
s-l T S | Toggle minor mode for showing information for current line in sideline. (requires lsp-ui ) |
s-l T d | Toggle minor mode for showing hover information in child frame. (requires lsp-ui ) |
s-l T s | Toggle signature auto activate. |
s-l T f | Toggle on type formatting. |
s-l T T | Toggle global minor mode for synchronizing lsp-mode workspace folders and treemacs projects. (requires lsp-treemacs ) |
s-l g g | Find definitions of the symbol under point. |
s-l g r | Find references of the symbol under point. |
s-l g i | Find implementations of the symbol under point. |
s-l g t | Find type definitions of the symbol under point. |
s-l g d | Find declarations of the symbol under point. |
s-l g h | Show the incoming call hierarchy for the symbol at point. (requires lsp-treemacs ) |
s-l g a | Find all meaningful symbols that match pattern. |
s-l h h | Display the type signature and documentation of the thing at |
s-l h s | Activate signature help. |
s-l h g | Trigger display hover information popup and hide it on next typing. |
s-l r r | Rename the symbol (and all references to it). |
s-l r o | Perform the source.organizeImports code action, if available. |
s-l a a | Execute code action action. |
s-l a l | Click lsp lens using ‘avy’ package. |
s-l a h | Highlight symbol at point. |
s-l G g | Peek definitions to the identifier at point. (requires lsp-ui ) |
s-l G r | Peek references to the identifier at point. (requires lsp-ui ) |
s-l G i | Peek implementation locations of the symbol at point. (requires lsp-ui ) |
s-l G s | Peek symbols in the worskpace. (requires lsp-ui ) |
To enable which-key integration put that in your config.
(with-eval-after-load 'lsp-mode
(add-hook 'lsp-mode-hook #'lsp-enable-which-key-integration))
- If non-nil, print all messages to and from the language server to*lsp-log*
- If non-nil, print performance info. to*lsp-log*
- If non-nil, inhibit the message echo viainhibit-message
- If non nil the errors will be reported even when the file is not open.lsp-keep-workspace-alive
- If non nil keep workspace alive when the last workspace buffer is closed.lsp-enable-snippet
- Enable/disable snippet completion support.lsp-auto-guess-root
- Automatically guess the project root using projectile/project. Do not use this setting unless you are familiar withlsp-mode
internals and you are sure that all of your projects are followingprojectile=/=project.el
- Defines how server exited event must be handled.lsp-session-file
- File where session information is stored.lsp-auto-configure
- Auto configurelsp-mode
. When set to tlsp-mode
will auto-configurelsp-ui
- How to sync the document with the language server.lsp-auto-execute-action
- Auto-execute single action.lsp-eldoc-render-all
- Display all of the info returned bydocument/onHover
. If this is nil,eldoc
will show only the symbol information.lsp-enable-completion-at-point
- Enablecompletion-at-point
- Enable xref integration.lsp-prefer-flymake
- If you prefer flycheck andlsp-ui-flycheck
is available,(setq lsp-prefer-flymake nil)
. If set to:none
neither of two will be enabled.lsp-enable-indentation
- Indent regions using the file formatting functionality provided by the language server.lsp-enable-on-type-formatting
- EnabletextDocument/onTypeFormatting
- If non-nil,lsp-mode
will apply edits suggested by the language server before saving a document.lsp-imenu-show-container-name
- Display the symbol’s container name in an imenu entry.lsp-imenu-container-name-separator
- Separator string to use to separate the container name from the symbol while displaying imenu entries.lsp-imenu-sort-methods
- How to sort the imenu items. The value is a list ofkind
. Priorities are determined by the index of the element.lsp-response-timeout
- Number of seconds to wait for a response from the language server before timing out.lsp-enable-file-watchers
- If non-nil lsp-mode will watch the files in the workspace if the server has requested that.lsp-server-trace
- Request trace mode on the language server.lsp-enable-semantic-highlighting
- Enable experimental semantic highlighting supportlsp-enable-imenu
- If non-nil, automatically enable imenu integration when server providestextDocument/documentSymbol
- Auto activate signature when trigger char is pressed.lsp-signature-render-documentation
- Include signature documentation in signature help.lsp-enable-text-document-color
- EnabletextDocument/documentColor
when server supports it.
- RUST Completion with company-lsp
- Typescript references using lsp-ui
- Debugging Python using dap-mode
- Call hierarchy via ccls
- Metals Doctor
- Semantic highlighting as provided by clangd (built from unreleased 10.0 branch). In this screenshot, all other font-locking has been disabled (hence no syntax highlighting of comments or basic keywords such as
LSP mode has support for tramp buffers with the following requirements:
- The language server has to be present on the remote server.
- Having multi folder language server (like Eclipse JDT LS) cannot have local and remote workspace folders.
detects whether a particular file is located on remote machine and looks for a client which matches current file and it is marked as :remote?
t. Then lsp-mode
starts the client through tramp.
Here it is example how you can configure python language server to work when using TRAMP
. Note that if you are trying to convert existing language server configuration you should copy all of it’s properties(e. g. :request-handlers
, activation-fn
, etc).
(make-lsp-client :new-connection (lsp-tramp-connection "binary-or-full-path")
:major-modes '(python-mode)
:remote? t
:server-id 'pyls-remote))
With TRAMP, Emacs does not have an easy way to distinguish stdout and stderr, so when the underlying LSP process writes to stderr, it breaks the lsp-mode
parser. As a workaround, lsp-mode
is redirecting stderr to /tmp/<process-name>-<id>~stderr
When some of the workspaces that are active in the current project requests file notifications via workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles
will start monitoring each of the folders in the workspace for changes. In case your project contains a lot of files you might want to disable file monitoring via lsp-enable-file-watchers
(you may use dir-locals).
Contributions are very much welcome.
Here it is a list of the current lsp-mode
members and what they are primary working on/responsible for.
Member | Responsible for: |
brotzeit | Rust |
dsyzling | Scala |
kurnevsky | Scala & Rust |
seagle0128 | Go & MS Python Language Server |
sebastiansturm | lsp-mode core & C++ |
vibhavp | lsp-mode core |
yyoncho | lsp-mode core and Java |
- set
to inspect communication between client and the server. Uselsp-workspace-show-log
to switch to the corresponding log buffer. lsp-describe-session
will show the current projects roots + the started severs and allows inspecting the server capabilities.
Here it is the minimal configuration that is needed for new language server registration. Refer to the documentation of lsp-client.el
for the additional settings supported on registration time. lsp-language-id-configuration
must be updated to contain the corresponding mode -> language id - in this case (python-mode . "python")
(defvar lsp-language-id-configuration
(python-mode . "python")
;; if you are adding the support for your language server in separate repo use
;; (add-to-list 'lsp-language-id-configuration '(python-mode . "python"))
(make-lsp-client :new-connection (lsp-stdio-connection "pyls")
:major-modes '(python-mode)
:server-id 'pyls))
If the language server supports environment variables to control additional behavior, you can register that by using the :environment-fn
function, like the Bash language client does:
(make-lsp-client :new-connection (lsp-stdio-connection '("bash-language-server" "start"))
:major-modes '(sh-mode)
:priority -1
:environment-fn (lambda ()
(("EXPLAINSHELL_ENDPOINT" . lsp-bash-explainshell-endpoint)
("HIGHLIGHT_PARSING_ERRORS" . lsp-bash-highlight-parsing-errors)))
:server-id 'bash-ls))
and lsp-bash-highlight-parsing-errors
are language client defcustom
that expose supported server environment settings in a type-safe way. If you change any of those variables, restart the language server with lsp-restart-workspace
for the changes to be applied.
provides tools to bridge emacs defcustom
as a language configuration sections properties(see specification workspace/configuration). In addition you may use lsp-generate-settings
from Generate Settings script to generate defcustom
from package.json
VScode plugin manifest. Example:
(defcustom lsp-foo-language-server-property "bar"
"Demo property."
:group 'foo-ls
:risky t)
(lsp-register-custom-settings '(("foo.section.property" lsp-foo-language-server-property)))
(lsp-configuration-section "foo")
;; => (("foo" ("settings" ("property" . "bar"))))
- How do I troubleshoot “Server FOO-LS:pid exited with status signal. Do you want to restart it? (y or n)”?
- This message indicates that the language server has crashed for some
reason. You may check the server stderr which is
. If you get this message on startup you may try to run the exact command thatlsp-mode
is running in the terminal. You may find it in*lsp-log*
- This message indicates that the language server has crashed for some
reason. You may check the server stderr which is
- How to configure a server with local variables?
- Add
server call tohack-local-variables-hook
which runs right after the local variables are loaded.(add-hook 'hack-local-variables-hook (lambda () (when (derived-mode-p 'XXX-mode) (lsp))))
- Add
- I have multiple language servers registered for language FOO. Which one will be used when opening a project?
- The one with highest priority wins.
predefined servers have priority -1, lower than external packages (priority 0 if unspecified). If a server is registered with:add-on?
flag set tot
it will be started in parallel to the other servers that are registered for the current mode.
- The one with highest priority wins.
- I have multiple language servers for language
and I want to select the server per project, what can I do?- You may create
for each of the projects and specify list oflsp-enabled-clients
. This will narrow the list of the clients that are going to be tested for the project.
- You may create
- The completion does not work fine and inserts arguments and placeholders, what I am doing wrong?
- Snippet support works only with
so if you are usingcompletion-at-point
the snippets won’t be expanded and you should either disable them by settinglsp-enable-snippet
or you should switch tocompany-lsp
. Note also thatcompany-tng
frontend does not support snippet expansion(see company-mode#891)
- Snippet support works only with
- How to automatically follow
?- Go into the log buffer and execute the following snippet(source: Emacs auto scrolling log buffer)
(set (make-local-variable 'window-point-insertion-type) t)
- I am getting “Package ‘spinner-1.7.3’ is unavailable” when trying to install
.- This is caused by GPG keys used by the ELPA package manager not being up to date. You may fix by installing: gnu-elpa-keyring-update
- Json completion doesn’t seem working?
- The latest vscode-json-languageserver is broken. You will need to install the earlier version of it
npm i vscode-json-languageserver@1.2.1
- The latest vscode-json-languageserver is broken. You will need to install the earlier version of it
- The flycheck does not work in
blocks invue-mode
. How to fix that?- This is caused by the fact that
uses multiple major modes in single file and thelsp-ui
checker may not associated with the major mode at point. You could fix that by adding the following lines to your config.(with-eval-after-load 'lsp-ui-flycheck (mapc 'lsp-ui-flycheck-add-mode '(typescript-mode js-mode css-mode vue-html-mode)))
- This is caused by the fact that
- lsp-docker - provide docker image with preconfigured language servers with corresponding emacs configuration.
- company-box -
frontend with icons. - dap-mode - Debugger integration for
. - eglot - An alternative minimal LSP implementation.
- which-key - Emacs package that displays available keybindings in popup
- projectile - Project Interaction Library for Emacs