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A web based Python console powered by Pyodide and ImJoy. It allows you to run Python code in the browser, and you can also directly execute code / python file from URL.

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Web Python Console ๐Ÿ

A web based Python console powered by Pyodide and ImJoy. It allows you to run Python code in the browser, and you can also directly execute code / python file from URL.


Online demo:


  • Run Python code in browser
  • Directly execute code / python file from URL
  • Better Matplotlib support
  • Integrate with ImJoy ecosystem
    • Control by ImJoy plugins
    • Control other ImJoy plugins
  • Editor with Python syntax highlighting.
  • Support mounting native file system to the console.

This project is a fork of Pyodide's console.


URL Parameters

  • code: the Python code to be executed
  • file: the URL of the Python file to be executed
  • show_code: whether to show the code in console, default is true
  • install_rpc: whether to install the imjoy-rpc package, default is true


Plugin's API

The console is integrated with ImJoy, you can use the ImJoy API to control the console.

API Description Parameters
.echo Print a message to the console msg: string
.clear Clear the console
.exec Execute Python code code: string; show_code: bool = true
.restart Restart the console
.get_content Get the content of the console
.get_variable Get a variable from the console name: string
.set_variable Set a variable in the console name: string; value: any
.mount_native_fs Mount a native file system to the console mount_point: string;
.ready A promise that resolves when the console is ready

Using ImJoy API in the console

You can also control other ImJoy plugins from the console using ImJoy API. For example, you can use the following code to control the ImageJ.JS:


import numpy as np

arr = np.random.randint(0, 255, (100,100), dtype=np.uint8)

ij = await api.createWindow(src="")
await ij.viewImage(arr)

The complete ImJoy API can be found here.

Additonal APIs

API Description Parameters
api.restart Restart the console
api.insertHtml Insert HTML to the console html: string; width: string; height: string
api.mountNativeFs Mount a native file system to the console mountPoint: string;
api.openEditor Open a Python script editor

Usage example:

# restart the console
await api.restart()
# insert HTML as an iframe
await api.insertHtml("<h1>Hello World</h1>", width="100%", height="100px")

Using in ImageJ.JS

This console can be used in ImageJ.JS as a ImJoy plugin. Click the Upper left ImJoy icon to open the menu, then click + ImJoy Plugin to add a new plugin. Then enter the following URL to install the plugin:


Then click the menu again and click web-python-console to open the console, or click python-editor to open the editor.

Integreate with BioImage.IO ChatBot

Try it here!

A demo:


Plugin links for BioImage.IO ChatBot:


A web based Python console powered by Pyodide and ImJoy. It allows you to run Python code in the browser, and you can also directly execute code / python file from URL.






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