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[FEA] AutoTuner warns that non-utf8 may not support some GPU expressi…
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* [FEA] AutoTuner warns that non-utf8 may not support some GPU expressions

Fixes #713, Fixes #734

This PR changes the behavior of the AutTuner to display a comment when
the file-encoding of an application is set to a value that is not "utf-8".

The changes also improves the extraction of the RAPIDS jars values.

*Changes for 713*:

- Added a new field in `ApplicationSummaryInfo` that represents the
- Capture SystemProperties in the App in order to be able to check the
- Moved map properties to `CacheableProps` so that it can be used by the
  Qualification as well.
- Moved String-conversion methods from AutTuner to StringUtils
- Moved `getEventFromJsonMethod` to EventUtils object
- Added a new UnitTest for the AutoTuner
- Updated ApplicationInfoSuite unitTests

*Changes for 734*:

- Fixed the implementation of `CollectInformation.getRapidsJARInfo`


Signed-off-by: Ahmed Hussein (amahussein) <>
  • Loading branch information
amahussein authored Jan 23, 2024
1 parent 418c3e7 commit 8340046
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package com.nvidia.spark.rapids.tool.profiling

import org.apache.spark.sql.rapids.tool.ToolUtils

case class ApplicationSummaryInfo(
val appInfo: Seq[AppInfoProfileResults],
val dsInfo: Seq[DataSourceProfileResult],
val execInfo: Seq[ExecutorInfoProfileResult],
val jobInfo: Seq[JobInfoProfileResult],
val rapidsProps: Seq[RapidsPropertyProfileResult],
val rapidsJar: Seq[RapidsJarProfileResult],
val sqlMetrics: Seq[SQLAccumProfileResults],
val jsMetAgg: Seq[JobStageAggTaskMetricsProfileResult],
val sqlTaskAggMetrics: Seq[SQLTaskAggMetricsProfileResult],
val durAndCpuMet: Seq[SQLDurationExecutorTimeProfileResult],
val skewInfo: Seq[ShuffleSkewProfileResult],
val failedTasks: Seq[FailedTaskProfileResults],
val failedStages: Seq[FailedStagesProfileResults],
val failedJobs: Seq[FailedJobsProfileResults],
val removedBMs: Seq[BlockManagerRemovedProfileResult],
val removedExecutors: Seq[ExecutorsRemovedProfileResult],
val unsupportedOps: Seq[UnsupportedOpsProfileResult],
val sparkProps: Seq[RapidsPropertyProfileResult],
val sqlStageInfo: Seq[SQLStageInfoProfileResult],
val wholeStage: Seq[WholeStageCodeGenResults],
val maxTaskInputBytesRead: Seq[SQLMaxTaskInputSizes],
val appLogPath: Seq[AppLogPathProfileResults],
val ioMetrics: Seq[IOAnalysisProfileResult])
appInfo: Seq[AppInfoProfileResults],
dsInfo: Seq[DataSourceProfileResult],
execInfo: Seq[ExecutorInfoProfileResult],
jobInfo: Seq[JobInfoProfileResult],
rapidsProps: Seq[RapidsPropertyProfileResult],
rapidsJar: Seq[RapidsJarProfileResult],
sqlMetrics: Seq[SQLAccumProfileResults],
jsMetAgg: Seq[JobStageAggTaskMetricsProfileResult],
sqlTaskAggMetrics: Seq[SQLTaskAggMetricsProfileResult],
durAndCpuMet: Seq[SQLDurationExecutorTimeProfileResult],
skewInfo: Seq[ShuffleSkewProfileResult],
failedTasks: Seq[FailedTaskProfileResults],
failedStages: Seq[FailedStagesProfileResults],
failedJobs: Seq[FailedJobsProfileResults],
removedBMs: Seq[BlockManagerRemovedProfileResult],
removedExecutors: Seq[ExecutorsRemovedProfileResult],
unsupportedOps: Seq[UnsupportedOpsProfileResult],
sparkProps: Seq[RapidsPropertyProfileResult],
sqlStageInfo: Seq[SQLStageInfoProfileResult],
wholeStage: Seq[WholeStageCodeGenResults],
maxTaskInputBytesRead: Seq[SQLMaxTaskInputSizes],
appLogPath: Seq[AppLogPathProfileResults],
ioMetrics: Seq[IOAnalysisProfileResult],
sysProps: Seq[RapidsPropertyProfileResult])

trait AppInfoPropertyGetter {
def getSparkProperty(propKey: String): Option[String]
def getRapidsProperty(propKey: String): Option[String]
def getSystemProperty(propKey: String): Option[String]
def getProperty(propKey: String): Option[String]
def getSparkVersion: Option[String]
def getRapidsJars: Seq[String]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,7 +80,16 @@ class AppSummaryInfoBaseProvider extends AppInfoPropertyGetter
def isAppInfoAvailable = false
override def getSparkProperty(propKey: String): Option[String] = None
override def getRapidsProperty(propKey: String): Option[String] = None
override def getProperty(propKey: String): Option[String] = None
override def getSystemProperty(propKey: String): Option[String] = None
override def getProperty(propKey: String): Option[String] = {
if (propKey.startsWith(ToolUtils.PROPS_RAPIDS_KEY_PREFIX)) {
} else if (propKey.startsWith("spark")){
} else {
override def getSparkVersion: Option[String] = None
override def getMaxInput: Double = 0.0
override def getMeanInput: Double = 0.0
Expand All @@ -99,7 +112,7 @@ class SingleAppSummaryInfoProvider(val app: ApplicationSummaryInfo)
extends AppSummaryInfoBaseProvider {

private lazy val distinctLocations = app.dsInfo.groupBy(_.location)
override def isAppInfoAvailable = Option(app).isDefined
override def isAppInfoAvailable: Boolean = Option(app).isDefined

private def findPropertyInProfPropertyResults(
key: String,
Expand All @@ -118,12 +131,8 @@ class SingleAppSummaryInfoProvider(val app: ApplicationSummaryInfo)
findPropertyInProfPropertyResults(propKey, app.rapidsProps)

override def getProperty(propKey: String): Option[String] = {
if (propKey.startsWith("spark.rapids")) {
} else {
override def getSystemProperty(propKey: String): Option[String] = {
findPropertyInProfPropertyResults(propKey, app.sysProps)

override def getSparkVersion: Option[String] = {
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Expand Up @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import org.yaml.snakeyaml.representer.Representer

import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.sql.rapids.tool.{GpuTypes, ToolUtils}
import org.apache.spark.sql.rapids.tool.util.WebCrawlerUtil
import org.apache.spark.sql.rapids.tool.util.{StringUtils, WebCrawlerUtil}

* A wrapper class that stores all the GPU properties.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -222,9 +222,9 @@ class RecommendationEntry(val name: String,
propValue match {
case None => None
case Some(value) =>
if (AutoTuner.containsMemoryUnits(value)) {
if (StringUtils.isMemorySize(value)) {
// if it is memory return the bytes unit
} else {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ class AutoTuner(
def calcGpuConcTasks(): Long = {
convertToMB(clusterProps.gpu.memory) / DEF_GPU_MEM_PER_TASK_MB)
StringUtils.convertToMB(clusterProps.gpu.memory) / DEF_GPU_MEM_PER_TASK_MB)

Expand All @@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ class AutoTuner(
private def calcAvailableMemPerExec(): Double = {
// account for system overhead
val usableWorkerMem =
Math.max(0, convertToMB(clusterProps.system.memory) - DEF_SYSTEM_RESERVE_MB)
Math.max(0, StringUtils.convertToMB(clusterProps.system.memory) - DEF_SYSTEM_RESERVE_MB)
// clusterProps.gpu.getCount can never be 0. This is verified in processPropsAndCheck()
(1.0 * usableWorkerMem) / clusterProps.gpu.getCount
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -608,6 +608,7 @@ class AutoTuner(

def getShuffleManagerClassName() : Option[String] = {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -735,22 +736,34 @@ class AutoTuner(

val autoBroadcastJoinThresholdProperty =
if (autoBroadcastJoinThresholdProperty.isEmpty) {
appendComment("'spark.sql.adaptive.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold' was not set.")
} else if (autoBroadcastJoinThresholdProperty.get >
appendComment("Setting 'spark.sql.adaptive.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold' > " +
s"$AQE_AUTOBROADCAST_JOIN_THRESHOLD could lead to performance\n" +
" regression. Should be set to a lower number.")

* Checks the system properties and give feedback to the user.
* For example file.encoding=UTF-8 is required for some ops like GpuRegEX.
private def recommendSystemProperties(): Unit = {
appInfoProvider.getSystemProperty("file.encoding").collect {
case encoding if !ToolUtils.isFileEncodingRecommended(encoding) =>
appendComment(s"file.encoding should be [${ToolUtils.SUPPORTED_ENCODINGS.mkString}]" +
" because GPU only supports the charset when using some expressions.")

* Check the class path entries with the following rules:
* 1- If ".*rapids-4-spark.*jar" is missing then add a comment that the latest jar should be
* included in the classpath unless it is part of the spark
* 2- If there are more than 1 entry for ".*rapids-4-spark.*jar", then add a comment that the
* 2- If there are more than 1 entry for ".*rapids-4-spark.*jar", then add a comment that
* there should be only 1 jar in the class path.
* 3- If there are cudf jars, ignore that for now.
* 4- If there is a new release recommend that to the user
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -811,7 +824,7 @@ class AutoTuner(
private def calculateMaxPartitionBytes(maxPartitionBytes: String): String = {
// AutoTuner only supports a single app right now, so we get whatever value is here
val inputBytesMax = appInfoProvider.getMaxInput / 1024 / 1024
val maxPartitionBytesNum = convertToMB(maxPartitionBytes)
val maxPartitionBytesNum = StringUtils.convertToMB(maxPartitionBytes)
if (inputBytesMax == 0.0) {
} else {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -860,7 +873,7 @@ class AutoTuner(
if (isCalculationEnabled("spark.sql.files.maxPartitionBytes")) {
} else {
appendRecommendationForMemoryMB("spark.sql.files.maxPartitionBytes", recommended)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1221,59 +1234,6 @@ object AutoTuner extends Logging {

* Converts size from human readable to bytes.
* Eg, "4m" -> 4194304.
def convertFromHumanReadableSize(size: String): Long = {
val sizesArr = size.toLowerCase.split("(?=[a-z])")
val sizeNum = sizesArr(0).toDouble
if (sizesArr.length > 1) {
val sizeUnit = sizesArr(1)
assert(SUPPORTED_SIZE_UNITS.contains(sizeUnit), s"$size is not a valid human readable size")
(sizeNum * Math.pow(1024, SUPPORTED_SIZE_UNITS.indexOf(sizeUnit))).toLong
} else {

def containsMemoryUnits(size: String): Boolean = {
val sizesArr = size.toLowerCase.split("(?=[a-z])")
if (sizesArr.length > 1) {
} else {

def convertToMB(size: String): Long = {
convertFromHumanReadableSize(size) / (1024 * 1024)

* Converts size from bytes to human readable.
* Eg, 4194304 -> "4m", 633554 -> "618.70k".
def convertToHumanReadableSize(size: Long): String = {
if (size < 0L) {
return "0b"

val unitIndex = (Math.log10(size) / Math.log10(1024)).toInt
assert(unitIndex < SUPPORTED_SIZE_UNITS.size,
s"$size is too large to convert to human readable size")

val sizeNum = size * 1.0/Math.pow(1024, unitIndex)
val sizeUnit = SUPPORTED_SIZE_UNITS(unitIndex)

// If sizeNum is an integer omit fraction part
if ((sizeNum % 1) == 0) {
} else {

* Given the spark property "spark.master", it checks whether memoryOverhead should be
* enabled/disabled. For Spark Standalone Mode, memoryOverhead property is skipped.
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Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.tool.ToolTextFileWriter

import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.resource.ResourceProfile
import org.apache.spark.sql.rapids.tool.SQLMetricsStats
import org.apache.spark.sql.rapids.tool.{SQLMetricsStats, ToolUtils}
import org.apache.spark.sql.rapids.tool.profiling.ApplicationInfo

case class StageMetrics(numTasks: Int, duration: String)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ class CollectInformation(apps: Seq[ApplicationInfo]) extends Logging {
AppLogPathProfileResults(app.index, a.appName, a.appId, app.eventLogPath)
if (allRows.nonEmpty) {
allRows.sortBy(cols => (cols.appIndex))
allRows.sortBy(cols => cols.appIndex)
} else {
Expand All @@ -63,12 +63,17 @@ class CollectInformation(apps: Seq[ApplicationInfo]) extends Logging {
def getRapidsJARInfo: Seq[RapidsJarProfileResult] = {
val allRows = apps.flatMap { app =>
if (app.gpuMode) {
// Look for rapids-4-spark and cuDF jar
val rapidsJar = app.classpathEntries.filterKeys(_ matches ".*rapids-4-spark.*jar")
val cuDFJar = app.classpathEntries.filterKeys(_ matches ".*cudf.*jar")
val cols = (rapidsJar.keys ++ cuDFJar.keys).toSeq
val rowsWithAppindex = => RapidsJarProfileResult(app.index, jar))
// Look for rapids-4-spark and cuDF jar in classPathEntries
val rapidsJars = app.classpathEntries.filterKeys(_ matches ToolUtils.RAPIDS_JAR_REGEX.regex)
if (rapidsJars.nonEmpty) {
val cols = rapidsJars.keys.toSeq => RapidsJarProfileResult(app.index, jar))
} else {
// Look for the rapids-4-spark and cuDF jars in Spark Properties
ToolUtils.extractRAPIDSJarsFromProps(app.sparkProperties).map {
jar => RapidsJarProfileResult(app.index, jar)
} else {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -203,25 +208,30 @@ class CollectInformation(apps: Seq[ApplicationInfo]) extends Logging {

// Print RAPIDS related or all Spark Properties
// This table is inverse of the other tables where the row keys are
// property keys and the columns are the application values. So
// column1 would be all the key values for app index 1.
def getProperties(rapidsOnly: Boolean): Seq[RapidsPropertyProfileResult] = {
* Print RAPIDS related or all Spark Properties when the propSource is set to "rapids".
* Note that RAPIDS related properties are not necessarily starting with prefix 'spark.rapids'.
* This table is inverse of the other tables where the row keys are property keys and the columns
* are the application values. So column1 would be all the key values for app index 1.
* @param propSource defines which type of properties to be retrieved the properties from.
* It can be: rapids, spark, or system
* @return List of properties relevant to the source.
private def getProperties(propSource: String): Seq[RapidsPropertyProfileResult] = {
val outputHeaders = ArrayBuffer("propertyName")
val props = HashMap[String, ArrayBuffer[String]]()
var numApps = 0
apps.foreach { app =>
numApps += 1
outputHeaders += s"appIndex_${app.index}"
val propsToKeep = if (rapidsOnly) {
app.sparkProperties.filterKeys { key =>
key.startsWith("spark.rapids") || key.startsWith("spark.executorEnv.UCX") ||
key.startsWith("spark.shuffle.manager") || key.equals("spark.shuffle.service.enabled")
} else {
val propsToKeep = if (propSource.equals("rapids")) {
app.sparkProperties.filterKeys { ToolUtils.isRapidsPropKey(_) }
} else if (propSource.equals("spark")) {
// remove the rapids related ones
app.sparkProperties.filterKeys(key => !(key.contains("spark.rapids")))
app.sparkProperties.filterKeys(key => !key.contains(ToolUtils.PROPS_RAPIDS_KEY_PREFIX))
} else {
// get the system properties
CollectInformation.addNewProps(propsToKeep, props, numApps)
Expand All @@ -234,6 +244,16 @@ class CollectInformation(apps: Seq[ApplicationInfo]) extends Logging {

def getRapidsProperties: Seq[RapidsPropertyProfileResult] = {
def getSparkProperties: Seq[RapidsPropertyProfileResult] = {
def getSystemProperties: Seq[RapidsPropertyProfileResult] = {

// Print SQL whole stage code gen mapping
def getWholeStageCodeGenMapping: Seq[WholeStageCodeGenResults] = {
val allWholeStages = apps.flatMap { app =>
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 2021-2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
* Copyright (c) 2021-2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -33,13 +33,6 @@ object ProfileUtils {

// Convert a null-able String to Option[Long]
def stringToLong(in: String): Option[Long] = try {
} catch {
case _: NumberFormatException => None

// Convert Option[Long] to String
def optionLongToString(in: Option[Long]): String = try {
Expand All @@ -48,7 +41,7 @@ object ProfileUtils {

// Check if the job/stage is GPU mode is on
def isPluginEnabled(properties: collection.mutable.Map[String, String]): Boolean = {
def isPluginEnabled(properties: collection.Map[String, String]): Boolean = {

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