- Extract data from different Open Data portals API
- Transform them to meet the Hunter API scheme
- Load them to the Hunter DB, via the API
(defn dg-extract
"extract data from the data.gov API and clean the introduction
returns a collection of datasets metadata"
[& args]
(apply extract-from-ckan-v3 dg-url args))
(deftransform dg-transform
[:title :notes :organization :resources :tags :extras
:revision_timestamp :tracking_summary]
{:filter published?}
{:title [identity :title]
:description [notes->description :notes :title]
:publisher [identity [:organization :title]]
:uri [url->uri [:resources 0 :url]]
:created [get-created [:resources 0 :created] :revision_timestamp]
:updated [identity :revision_timestamp]
:tags [tags-with-title :title :tags]
:spatial [(geo-tagify "us")]
:temporal [get-temporal :extras]
:resources [clean-resources :resources :title]
:huntscore [dg-huntscore [:tracking_summary :recent] [:tracking_summary :total]]})
$ mongod
cd path/to/hunter-api
edit hunter-api/src/hunter_api/data.clj:
(def config ;; used in development {:conn (connect {:host "localhost" :port 27017}) :db (get-db (connect {:host "localhost" :port 27017}) "update-here") :db-name "update-here"})
$ lein ring server
(defn dg-etl
"data.gov ETL
takes between 0 and 3 arguments :
0 => loads in the Hunter DB the most popular dgu dataset cleaned
1 => loads in the Hunter DB the given number of dgu datasets cleaned
2 => same with an offset
3 => same but only with datasets corresponding to a query
Works perfectly well with number = 1000"
[& args]
(-> (apply dg-extract args)
Copyright © 2015 Nicolas TERPOLILLI
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.