Xenia Streamlined What we will be doing is creating shortcuts and using "Bat to Exe converter" for a more streamlined automated gaming experience.
*v1 (manual labor required) *v2 (less manual labor, but raises red flags in windows security) *v2.5 (automated, fixed red flags in windows security)
*Requirements -install "AutoHotKey" -install "Bat to Exe converter"
After installing "AutoHotKey" ensure it is the latest version v2 or v2.0.18 launch "AutoHotKey Dash" from start menu click on Help and version should be listed.
"Bat to Exe converter" will be used to convert .bat files to .exe for easier playing Read "HOWTO".
v2.5 Lets begin with the first step Create/Copy a shortcut to "OD/NOD.exe"(installer), "single xex bat creation EZ.bat"(manual bat creator tool), "GamesOD/NODv2.bat"(drag and drop game files over .bat icon to automate .bat creation to .exe conversion moves files to Games directory for more organization)copy ".exe" to a location that is easily accessible like "Desktop"
The next step is determining where you will install said files there are 2 installers, 1 for Onedrive(OD), and one for non-Onedrive(NOD) environments. double-click to launch and it should install said files to there desired locations on your PC "OneDrive\Documents" or "Users\Your Profile\Documents" if you are on Win 10, or Win 11 I recommend "OD.exe" as the "Users\Your Profile\Documents" folder Documents might be Hidden. The installer will create 2 new folders in the Documents folder "Emulators" and "Games" we will be coming back to the games folder later on. If you forgot to do step 1 of this "HOWTO" you can find the files in "Emulators" if you erased the zip file.
Download Bat to exe converter heres a quick link https://en.softonic.com/download/bat-to-exe-converter-x64/windows/post-download the next step requires you to put the download it should look something like this "Bat_To_Exe_Converter_x64 3.2.exe" next put said file in a folder called "Bat2Exe" and put in program files it should look like this "C:\Program Files\Bat2Exe\Bat_To_Exe_Converter_x64 3.2.exe". *This is crucial for the next step.
Proceeding with the next step assuming you have LEGAL copies of your games BACKUPS in either ISO, or .xex. I will not be held accountable for any pirated media. If you have ISO's you will need to mount them as virtual drives using CloneDrive, Daemon, or VirtualClone. Copy the contents after mounting into a Folder with the games name or your preferred title. If you have .xex files ensure all your games files are in a Folder with there respected titles or your preferred titles. Now that you have a folder with the desired .xex files drag the folder to the "GamesOD.bat/GamesNOD.bat" this will automatically transfer your games to the games folder, and automatically start the ".exe" conversion process renaming the .exe file to the folders title for easier compilation. *LOOK FOR GAME IN EXEFiles YOU ARE ALL SETUP NOW, ENJOY!
P.S. If you want to use the "single xex bat creation EZ.bat" you will need to know the paths to the following files "Xenia.exe", "default.xex" and "AutoHotkey64.exe". When inputting these paths if you right clicked said file to select "copy as path" ensure ("quotes") are not in the beginning/end of said path when pasting.
If you have "Steam" or other environments similar you can add non-Steam games to your library just "Browse" and navigate to the ".exe" files we created, this will give you a much more streamlined aesthetic allowing you to use steams in game overlay to quickly exit or modify controls if available. This environment will also allow you to add custom artwork for a more appealing look and feel.
If you don't have "Steam" you can create custom ".ico" files and use them to make custom game icons for easier identifying in the future, this will need to be done by manually launching "bat to exe converter and manually convert the ".bat" file in "Documents\Games\EXEFiles". Without "Steam" you would need to close the game window manually when done playing, shortcuts like "alt+f4" will quickly close windows, or "esc" will exit Fullscreen mode this will allow you to click the red "x" in the top right corner manually.
If upon opening the games ".exe" does not automatically Fullscreen you can exit window or press "f11" this usually requires a 2nd time to boot up after 1st launching, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't minor glitch.
*You will need to source your own games I will not be held accountable for any illegal obtaining of ISO's or XEX files. This guide is solely for educational purposes. Enjoy!
CONTRIBUTIONS NOBODY ChatGPT Xenia team who compiled all Emulation code