We use ECMWF's ai_models_fourcastnetv2 plugin to run the model. FoureCastNet v2-small applies Spherical Fourier Neural Operators (SFNOs) as neural network architecture.
The following packages are needed:
- numpy
- boto3
- xarray
- pygrib
- torch
- ai-models-fourcastnetv2
- iris
- iris_grib
- eccodes
- cf_units
wget https://get.ecmwf.int/repository/test-data/ai-models/fourcastnetv2/small/weights.tar
wget https://get.ecmwf.int/repository/test-data/ai-models/fourcastnetv2/small/global_means.npy
wget https://get.ecmwf.int/repository/test-data/ai-models/fourcastnetv2/small/global_stds.npy
The script ncep/gdas.py can be used to prepare input data, simply use:
python gdas.py YYYYMMDDHH -s <s3 or nomads> -m <wgrib2 or pygrib> -k <yes or no>
file input_YYYYMMDDHH.npy
will be created and saved in the current firectory.
Run inference using
python inference.py YYYYMMDDHH -w </path/to/weightsandstats> -i </path/to/input/input_YYYYMMDDHH.npy> -o </path/to/output/> -l <forecast-hours>
The forecast results will be saved in GRIB2 format.
The FourCastNetGFS model runs 4 times a day at 00Z, 06Z, 12Z, and 18Z cycles. The horizontal resolution is on 0.25 degree lat-lon grid. The vertical resolutions are 13 pressure levels.
The 13 pressure levels include: 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 850, 925, and 1000 hPa.
The model output fields are:
3D fields on pressure levels: temperature
U and V component of wind
geopotential height
relative humidity -
2D surface fields: 10-m U and V components of wind
100-m U and V components of wind
2-m temperature
mean sea-level pressure
Precipitable water in the entire atmosphere as single column
The near real-time forecast outputs along with inputs are available on AWS.
For each cycle, the dataset contains input files to feed into FourCastNet found in the directory:
and 10-day forecast results for the current cycle found in the following directories: