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v2025.Febrary: Maintenance Update

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@nevstop nevstop released this 28 Feb 01:54

Release Notes:

[add] #379 Modules starting with '.' are recognized as system-level and excluded from "CSM - List".
[update] Removed inline option for "Parse State" to reduce CSM module loading time.
[update] #288 CSM now stops the loop before processing "Macro: Exit".
[fix] #387 "CSM - Forward States to" now generates a notify user-event to break event structure waiting.

[add] #386 Added a new DQMH-Style Template, moving UI handler out of the CSM-message loop.

[add] #322 Added "Make Bent Wire" to CSMHelper.
[add] #381 Added tool to fix JKISM State Editor RCM entry for CSM.
[add] Added tool to create CSM palette in functions root palette.
[add] #374 Added "Go to State" RCM for String Constant.
[update] Added Exit toolbar button to post "Macro: Exit" to the selected CSM module.
[update] #384 Adapted to changes in jkism 2024, fixing State Editor RCM issues.

[fix] Minor documentation fixes (#380, #383).

[update] Brought installing window to topmost (NI Knowledge Base:
[update] Improved installing window.
[update] #382 Updated copyright year.

#CSM Loop Support
[update] Changed all APIs to subroutines.
[obsolete] #288 CSMLS - Add Exit State(s) with Loop is no longer needed. "Parse State" handles this automatically.

[add] #373 Added testcase to check dependencies; fails if unexpected dependencies are included.
[add] Added testcase to check for VI path length.
[add] Added testcase to validate CSM RCM dependencies.