The purpose of this code is to provide a way of mimicking a REST API. Messages/queries are received from neighbors on selected topics, and handlers are associated to those topics. In this case, the topics and handlers are organised in a way that emulates a REST API.
First, we define a Query class:
Query = {
# Creates a new Query.
# PARAM source: The Query source (a robot's ID).
# PARAM data: The Query data.
# RETURN: A new Query.
.new = function(source, data) {
return {
.source = source,
.data = data
Then, we can define the query handling logic:
include "query.bzz"
# Store topic-handler associations in a table.
# The keys should correspond to the topic names.
var query_types = {
.get = query_get,
.put = query_put,
.post = query_post,
.delete = query_delete
# Binds topics with their handlers
function init_handlers() {
foreach(query_types, function(query_type, handler) {
neighbors.listen(query_type, function(vid, query, neighbor_id) {
# Handles GET queries
# PARAM query: The Query to be handled.
function query_get(query) {
log("GET from ", query.source, ": ",
# Handles PUT queries
# PARAM query: The Query to be handled.
function query_put(query) {
log("PUT from ", query.source, ": ",
# Handles POST queries
# PARAM query: The Query to be handled.
function query_post(query) {
log("POST from ", query.source, ": ",
# Handles DELETE queries
# PARAM query: The Query to be handled.
function query_delete(query) {
log("DELETE from ", query.source, ": ",
Lastly, to test our system, we include it in the standard Buzz execution loop. Here, robot 0 will broadcast a PUT query to all its neighbors at every time step.
include "query.bzz"
include "api.bzz"
# Called upon initialization
function init() {
# Called at every time step
function step() {
if (id == 0) {
neighbors.broadcast("put",, "This is a message."))
# Called upon end of experiment
function destroy() {
log("Experiment over.")