Slack channel: #snowmelt
- Nicoleta Cristea ( (Data Science Lead)
- Cassie Lumbrazo ( (Project Lead)
- Steven Pestana (
- Caitlin Littlefield (
- Emma Collins (
- Ian McNabb (
- Deeksha Rastogi (
- Vivian Griffey (
- Nick Gottlieb (
- Lidar from the NASA Airborne Snow Observatory can provide snapshots in time of snow depth across a watershed
- Previous geohackweek projects have developed tools for spatial analyses of these data
- We want to expand these tools to investigate temporal changes in snow depth as a function of topgraphic and climatic variables.
- Snow depth (30m, ASO lidar-derived) 2014 - 2016
- DEM (30m, ASO lidar-derived)
- PRISM temperature data
- How does the change in snow depth (melt and accumulation) within one melt season behave as a function of topography (slope, aspect, elevation) in the Tuolumne River watershed?
- How does snow depth vary between two melt seasons as a function of change in minimum, maximum, and mean temperature?
- How do these behaviors compare between relatively “normal” snowpack years (2014, 2016) and a year with much lower snowpack (2015 - representative of future conditions due to climate change)?
- Can we conclude that there is “slower snowmelt in a warmer world” (as posited in Musselman et al. 2017)?
- The Tuolumne River Basin (TRB) is a major water supply for human use in California
- Winter snowpack in the TRB is a natural form of water storage, that may change due to climate change
- 2015 was an anamolous year in precipitation and temperature
- It is expected that with climate change, more future years will resemble the 2015 water year
- We can test the hypothesis suggested by previous work - that snowmelt will be slower in warmer temperatures
- Incorporating streamflow, the results could improve water resources modeling and prediction
- Effects of changing snow depth patterns on species bahavior and ranges
- Snow depth change in topographically complex depressions (current models may not capture this well)
- Raster/array math
- Linear regressions
- NASA JPL - Airborne Snow Observatory
- Musselman, Keith N., et al. "Slower snowmelt in a warmer world." Nature Climate Change 7.3 (2017): 214. doi: 10.1038/nclimate3225
- Painter, T. H., Berisford, D. F., Boardman, J. W., Bormann, K. J., Deems, J. S., Gehrke, F., ... & Mattmann, C. (2016). The Airborne Snow Observatory: Fusion of scanning lidar, imaging spectrometer, and physically-based modeling for mapping snow water equivalent and snow albedo. Remote Sensing of Environment, 184, 139-152.