An angular wrapper for google's blockly
Install from npm repository:
npm install ngx-blockly --save
Add the blockly scripts in angular.json
"scripts": [
Example app.module.ts
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { NgxBlocklyModule } from 'ngx-blockly';
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {
'Example app.component.ts'
import {NgxBlocklyConfig } from 'ngx-blockly';
export class AppComponent {
public config: NgxBlocklyConfig = {
toolbox: '<xml id="toolbox" style="display: none">' +
'<block type="controls_if"></block>' +
'<block type="controls_repeat_ext"></block>' +
'<block type="logic_compare"></block>' +
'<block type="math_number"></block>' +
'<block type="math_arithmetic"></block>' +
'<block type="text"></block>' +
'<block type="text_print"></block>' +
scrollbars: true,
trashcan: true
Example app.component.html
<ngx-blockly [config]="config"></ngx-blockly>
ngx-blockly {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
Default Blockly Configuration (see
export class NgxBlocklyConfig {
// Allows blocks to be collapsed or expanded. Defaults to true if the toolbox has categories, false otherwise.
collapse?: boolean;
// Allows blocks to have comments. Defaults to true if the toolbox has categories, false otherwise.
comments?: boolean;
// If false, don't inject CSS (providing CSS becomes the document's responsibility). Defaults to true.
css?: boolean;
// If false, don't inject CSS (providing CSS becomes the document's responsibility). Defaults to true.
disable?: boolean;
// Grid options.
grid?: {
spacing: number,
length: number,
colour: string,
snap: boolean
// If true toolbox is horizontal, if false toolbox is vertical. Defaults to false.
horizontalLayout?: boolean;
// Maximum number of blocks that may be created. Useful for student exercises. Defaults to Infinity.
maxBlocks?: number;
// Map from block types to maximum number of blocks of that type that may be created. Undeclared types default to Infinity.
maxInstances?: object;
// Path from page (or frame) to the Blockly media directory. Defaults to ""
media?: string;
// If true list and string operations should index from 1, if false index from 0. Defaults to true.
oneBasedIndex?: boolean;
// If true, prevent the user from editing. Supresses the toolbox and trashcan. Defaults to false.
readOnly?: boolean;
// If true, mirror the editor (for Arabic or Hebrew locales). Defaults to false.
rtl?: boolean;
// Sets whether the workspace is scrollable or not. Defaults to true if the toolbox has categories, false otherwise
scrollbars?: boolean;
// If false, don't play sounds (e.g. click and delete). Defaults to true.
sounds?: boolean;
// Defaults to classic theme if no theme is provided. (
theme?: any;
// Tree structure of categories and blocks available to the user
toolbox?: string;
// If "start" toolbox is on top (if horizontal) or left (if vertical and LTR) or right (if vertical and RTL).
// If "end" toolbox is on opposite side. Defaults to "start".
toolboxPosition?: string;
// Displays or hides the trashcan. Defaults to true if the toolbox has categories, false otherwise.
trashcan?: boolean;
// Maximum number of deleted items that will appear in the trashcan flyout. '0' disables the feature. Defaults to '32'.
maxTrashcanContents?: number;
// Zoom Options.
zoom?: {
controls: boolean,
wheel: boolean,
startScale: number,
maxScale: number,
minScale: number,
scaleSpeed: number
// Defaults to geras renderer if no renderer is provided.
renderer?: string;
// Map of plugin type to name of registered plugin or plugin class.
plugins?: any;
Blockly Generator Config
export class NgxBlocklyGeneratorConfig {
dart?: boolean;
javascript?: boolean;
lua?: boolean;
php?: boolean;
python?: boolean;
xml?: boolean
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { NgxBlocklyConfig, NgxBlocklyGeneratorConfig } from 'ngx-blockly';
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss']
export class AppComponent {
public config: NgxBlocklyConfig = {
toolbox: '<xml id="toolbox" style="display: none">' +
'<block type="controls_if"></block>' +
'<block type="controls_repeat_ext"></block>' +
'<block type="logic_compare"></block>' +
'<block type="math_number"></block>' +
'<block type="math_arithmetic"></block>' +
'<block type="text"></block>' +
'<block type="text_print"></block>' +
scrollbars: true,
trashcan: true
public generatorConfig: NgxBlocklyGeneratorConfig = {
dart: true,
javascript: true,
lua: true,
php: true,
python: true,
xml: true
onCode(code: string) {
<ngx-blockly [config]="config" [generatorConfig]="generatorConfig" (javascriptCode)="onCode($event)" (pythonCode)="onCode($event)"></ngx-blockly>
@ViewChild(NgxBlocklyComponent) workspace;
// Returns formatted xml of workspace
// Add xml to workspace (clears previous elements)
// Append xml to workspace
public config: NgxBlocklyConfig = {
toolbox: '<xml id="toolbox" style="display: none">' +
'<block type="controls_if"></block>' +
'<block type="controls_repeat_ext"></block>' +
'<block type="logic_compare"></block>' +
'<block type="math_number"></block>' +
'<block type="math_arithmetic"></block>' +
'<block type="text"></block>' +
'<block type="text_print"></block>' +
scrollbars: true,
trashcan: true
Toolbox with search
public config: NgxBlocklyConfig = {
toolbox: '<xml id="toolbox" style="display: none">' +
'<block type="controls_if"></block>' +
'<block type="controls_repeat_ext"></block>' +
'<block type="logic_compare"></block>' +
'<block type="math_number"></block>' +
'<block type="math_arithmetic"></block>' +
'<block type="text"></block>' +
'<block type="text_print"></block>' +
scrollbars: true,
trashcan: true,
plugins: {
toolbox: NgxBlocklyToolbox
// modify searchbar strings
Blockly.Msg.SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER = 'my placeholder'
Blockly.Msg.SEARCH_CATEGORY = 'my category name'
Toolbox Generator
import { Category } from './category';
public customBlocks: CustomBlock[] = [
new TestBlock(),
new DeviceBlock()
public buttons: Button[] = [
new Button('NewButton', 'CallbackKey')
public labels: Label[] = [
new Label('NewLabel', 'web-class')
public customCategory = new Category(
[...this.buttons, ...this.customBlocks, ...this.labels]
constructor(ngxToolboxBuilder : NgxToolboxBuilderService) {
ngxToolboxBuilder.nodes = [
new Separator(), //Add Separator
this.config.toolbox =;
# do not forget to add your customblocks
<ngx-blockly [config]="config" [customBlocks]="customBlocks" [generatorConfig]="generatorConfig" (javascriptCode)="onCode($event)"></ngx-blockly>
declare var Blockly: any;
export class TestBlock extends CustomBlock {
constructor() {
// Add Mutator or further args if needed
this.class = TestBlock;
defineBlock() {
.appendField(new Blockly.FieldImage('assets/testblock.png', 50, 50, '*'))
.appendField(new Blockly.FieldImage(this.args[0], 50, 50, '*'));
this.block.setOutput(true, 'Input');
toXML() {
return '<block type="test"></block>';
toDartCode(block: CustomBlock): string | any[] {
return 'Not implemented';
toJavaScriptCode(block: CustomBlock): string | any[] {
return 'Not implemented';
toLuaCode(block: CustomBlock): string | any[] {
return 'Not implemented';
toPHPCode(block: CustomBlock): string | any[] {
return 'Not implemented';
toPythonCode(block: CustomBlock): string | any[] {
return 'Not implemented';
onChange(changeEvent: any) {
Customized theme can be specified in the theme
option for NgxBlocklyConfig
, and the format of the block style and category style is stated in the Themes.
Sample theme class (Using Google Blockly Classic theme):
export const blockStyles: BlockStyles = {
logic_blocks: {
colourPrimary: '210',
export const categoryStyles: CategoryStyles = {
logic_category: {
colour: '210',
export const componentStyle: ComponentStyle = {
workspaceBackgroundColour: '#ff0000',
toolboxBackgroundColour: '#00ff00',
scrollbarColour: '#eeff33',
insertionMarkerColour: '#FF0000',
flyoutBackgroundColour: '#aaa000',
flyoutOpacity: 1
# See docs fore more options
export const exampleTheme: Theme = new Theme (
When you have specified the theme used in Blockly workspace, you need to declare the corresponding block style/category style in block/category definition. Noted that once you have defined the theme option in NgxBlocklyConfig
, then you need to manage color scheme of all blocks and categories.
Block Styling
"type": "controls_if",
"style": "logic_blocks", // Specify the block style to apply
Category Styling
<!-- Specify the category style to apply -->
<category name="Logic" categorystyle="logic_category">
Corresponding NgxBlocklyConfig
config: NgxBlocklyConfig = {
theme: exampleTheme.createBlocklyTheme(),
At the moment it is possible to subscribe to workspace and toolbox change listeners.