This repository hosts code for the papers:
- On a novel representation of multiple textual documents in a single graph (KES-IDT 2020) - Download
- An innovative graph-based approach to advance feature selection from multiple textual documents (AIAI 2020) - Download
Available in this link
Edit GraphOfdocs/
to setup the experiments and run
Windows 10
64-bit / Debian basedLinux
64-bit.Python 3
(min. version 3.6),pip3
launcher Windows-only).- Working
Database (min. version 3.5.12).
Download the project from the green button above, unzip it,
and then open a cmd terminal to this folder and type pip3 install -r requirements.txt
This command will install the neccessary Python
libraries* to run the project.
We ran the following commands to update Python
, git
clone the project to a local folder and install the necessary Python
sudo apt install python3.6
sudo apt install git-all
git clone
cd GraphOfDocs
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
* Optionally you could create a virtual environment first,
* to isolate the libraries from your python user install.
* However the setup script doesn't downgrade existing libraries,
* so there's zero risk in affecting your local user install.
Create a new database from the Neo4j
desktop app using 3.5.12 as the min. version.
Update your memory settings to match the following values,
and install the following extra plugins as depicted in the image.
Hint: if you use a dedicated server that only runs
, you could increase these values,
accordingly as specified in the comments of these parameters.
Run the
script which will create thousands of nodes,
and millions of relationships in the database.
Once it's done, the database is initialized and ready for use.
You could use the Neo4j Browser
to run your queries,
or for large queries you could use the custom visualization tool
which is located in the GraphOfDocs
On a novel representation of multiple textual documents in a single graph (KES-IDT 2020) paper:
Giarelis N., Kanakaris N., Karacapilidis N. (2020) On a Novel Representation of Multiple Textual Documents in a Single Graph. In: Czarnowski I., Howlett R., Jain L. (eds) Intelligent Decision Technologies. IDT 2020. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 193. Springer, Singapore
author="Giarelis, Nikolaos
and Kanakaris, Nikos
and Karacapilidis, Nikos",
editor="Czarnowski, Ireneusz
and Howlett, Robert J.
and Jain, Lakhmi C.",
title="On a Novel Representation of Multiple Textual Documents in a Single Graph",
booktitle="Intelligent Decision Technologies",
publisher="Springer Singapore",
abstract="This paper introduces a novel approach to represent multiple documents as a single graph, namely, the graph-of-docs model, together with an associated novel algorithm for text categorization. The proposed approach enables the investigation of the importance of a term into a whole corpus of documents and supports the inclusion of relationship edges between documents, thus enabling the calculation of important metrics as far as documents are concerned. Compared to well-tried existing solutions, our initial experimentations demonstrate a significant improvement of the accuracy of the text categorization process. For the experimentations reported in this paper, we used a well-known dataset containing about 19,000 documents organized in various subjects.",
An innovative graph-based approach to advance feature selection from multiple textual documents (AIAI 2020) paper:
Giarelis N., Kanakaris N., Karacapilidis N. (2020) An Innovative Graph-Based Approach to Advance Feature Selection from Multiple Textual Documents. In: Maglogiannis I., Iliadis L., Pimenidis E. (eds) Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations. AIAI 2020. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 583. Springer, Cham
author="Giarelis, Nikolaos
and Kanakaris, Nikos
and Karacapilidis, Nikos",
editor="Maglogiannis, Ilias
and Iliadis, Lazaros
and Pimenidis, Elias",
title="An Innovative Graph-Based Approach to Advance Feature Selection from Multiple Textual Documents",
booktitle="Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations",
publisher="Springer International Publishing",
abstract="This paper introduces a novel graph-based approach to select features from multiple textual documents. The proposed solution enables the investigation of the importance of a term into a whole corpus of documents by utilizing contemporary graph theory methods, such as community detection algorithms and node centrality measures. Compared to well-tried existing solutions, evaluation results show that the proposed approach increases the accuracy of most text classifiers employed and decreases the number of features required to achieve `state-of-the-art' accuracy. Well-known datasets used for the experimentations reported in this paper include 20Newsgroups, LingSpam, Amazon Reviews and Reuters.",
- Nikolaos Giarelis (
- Nikos Kanakaris (
- Nikos Karacapilidis (