Clone the NASA-IMPACT fork of titiler and add a remote for the upstream "official" titiler repo.
git clone
git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream
git branch master --track origin/master
git checkout master
Determine which tag of titiler you want to merge in, then checkout it and merge.
export TITILER_VERSION=0.3.5 # whichever tag you want to merge from
git checkout -b merge-from-upstream-${TITILER_VERSION}
git merge tags/${TITILER_VERSION}
Resolve any conflicts from the merge. This is tricky!
Deploy it to a custom stage (e.g., phil-merge-0.3.5
) and test.
Push the changes to the remote:
git push merge-from-upstream-${TITILER_VERSION} -u origin/merge-from-upstream-${TITILER_VERSION}
In GitHub, create a PR to merge the branch to master, get approvals, and merge with the "Merge commit" method (e.g., not squash).