Team Contract (Gabriel Gao (nago4), Yiming Zhao (yiming14), Haoyu Zhai (zhai11), Tiancheng Xiao (txiao5))
Team Meetings: Our team will meet once per week on every Thursday 8 - 9 PM at Grainger Library or on Zoom. Each member will rotate being the assigned note-taker, starting with Gabriel (nago4). Notes will be recorded on a Google document, and they will be time-stamped for each meeting. The note-taker is also responsible for writing the weekly DEVELOPMENT LOG.
Assistance: Each team member can be contacted through email, text message, and Wechat. The estimated response time may be up to 3 to 24 hours, but we are expecting to help each other as soon as possible.
Respect: There will also be an assigned organizer for each meeting, and this role will be rotated for each meeting starting from Yiming (yiming14). The organizer is responsible to plan the topic of each meeting, provide opportunities for each group member to communicate evenly, and control the time of speaking for each member. Each member will have a vote for ideas, tools, design decisions, and other topics that affect the development process of the final project. All decisions will be accepted by the majority. By signing this document, each member of the team commits to adhering to the decisions made, even if they personally disagree with them.
Work Distribution: The deliverables of every week will be determined by every member of the team. Each member will volunteer to do one or more deliverables. If there is no volunteer, each member will be randomly assigned to work on the task and the assigned workload for each member will be roughly the same. If this leads to an unbalanced workload for the week, adjustments will be made based on different specific cases.
Time Commitment: The time commitment of each member will depend on the work distribution, and we are expecting at least 2 hours per week’s workload. With that being said, there may be extra time needed if any of us is facing difficulties not able to handle by ourselves. In this case, we will ask other team members for help, while keeping a flexible schedule to make sure we can solve the problem efficiently.
Conflict Resolution: All conflict within the team will be decided by voting. If the votes supporting both decisions are equal, the organizer of each meeting will make the final decision.
Yiming Zhao (yiming14)
Tiancheng Xiao (txiao5)
Haoyu Zhai (zhai11)
Naixiang Gao (ngao4)