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Kotlin Surreal Database API

KSDB | by Necrosis

SurrealDB framework for Kotlin

contributors last update forks stars open issues license

๐Ÿ“” Table of Contents

๐Ÿ—’๏ธ Kotlin SurrealDB

This implementation has 2 parts, one is responsible for connection and requests, the other is a framework.


me.necrosis.surrealdb.api.SurrealDB is an abstract class, used to handle sync, and async functions.
Because this, every function returns a new me.necrosis.surrealdb.api.util.Task.

๐ŸŒŸ Create SurrealDB

๐Ÿ“‘ Synchronized

val syncSurrealDB = SyncSurrealDB(
  "localhost:8000",     //  Host
  "test",               //  Database
  "test",               //  Namespace
  User("root","root")   //  User
syncSurrealDB.connect().get { isConnected /* Is connected boolean */ ->
    if(isConnected) println("Connected")
    else println("Error")
println("After connected")

//  Output :
//  ---------------
//  Connected
//  After connected

๐Ÿ“‘ Asynchronous

val asyncSurrealDB = AsyncSurrealDB(
    "localhost:8000",     //  Host
    "test",               //  Database
    "test",               //  Namespace
    User("root","root")   //  User
asyncSurrealDB.connect().get { isConnected /* Is connected boolean */ ->
    if(isConnected) println("Connected")
    else println("Error")
println("Before connected")

//  Output :
//  ---------------
//  Before connected
//  Connected

API only can perform simple requests to server, for more info see the official documentation.

Possible functions with API

SurrealDB#sql(query: String) // Allows custom SurrealQL queries
SurrealDB#select(table: String) // Selects all records in a table from the database
SurrealDB#select(record: Record) // Selects the specific record from the database
SurrealDB#create(table: String, data: JSONObject) // Creates a records in a table in the database
SurrealDB#create(record: Record, data: JSONObject) // Creates a records in a table in the database
SurrealDB#delete(table: String) // Deletes all records in a table from the database
SurrealDB#delete(record: Record) // Deletes the specified record from the database
SurrealDB#update(record: Record, data: JSONObject) // Updates the specified record in the database
SurrealDB#modify(record: Record, data: JSONObject) // Modifies the specified record in the database

๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธ KSDB (framework)

KSDB is the framework for the library. Automatically create records to database, and create objects, which parameters match with the record data.

๐Ÿ“š Table Handler

KSDB main tool is the me.necrosis.surrealdb.framework.component.table.TableHandler. This connects object mapper and the table entity, to make object mapping automatic.
Table handler needs a table entity, in generic type, or with table entity class, in get parameter.

Create entity

This function automatically run in asynchronous, but you can set wait param to true, then the thread is wait for the job end.
You can get the JSONObject callback if you want, with the callback param, which is follows the format (JSONObject)->Unit.
The wait, and the callback params, is optional, because params have default values.

val KSDB = KSDB(
  SyncSurrealDB("localhost:8000","test","test", User("root","root"))

val testEntityTableHandler = KSDB.get<TestEntity>()

    wait = true
  ){ json ->

Find entity

You can find table entity from ID, or with Query object.
Results is created with the object mapper automatically.
All find function return a new CompletableFuture, to handle asynchronous methods.

val KSDB = KSDB(
  SyncSurrealDB("localhost:8000","test","test", User("root","root"))

val testEntityTableHandler = KSDB.get<TestEntity>()

testEntityTableHandler.find("entityID") //  This will return a new CompletableFuture with TestEntity object, with the database values.
                                        //  If record not exist with this ID, then return null.

Query object responsible to create filter, to find entities, in the database.
This object holds the QueryFields. QueryField contains 4 parameters

  • QueryType
  • Field Name
  • Field Value
  • Or state, which is a new QueryField, but this field is optional
val query = Query()
val request = query.add(
                QueryType.EQUALS,   //  Query Type
                "name",             //  Field name
                "Michael",          //  Field value
                QueryField(         //  Or state

val requestGetOutput = "(name = \"Michael\" OR name = \"Thomas\") AND age > 16 "

Delete entire table with TableHandler#deleteTable(wait,callback)
Delete record with id TableHandler#delete(id,wait,callback)
Delete with where case TableHandler#delete(where,wait,callback)


Update entity use a table entity, and his ID field.


๐Ÿ“‡ Create table entity

To use object mapping, you must create a table entity, which must contains an empty constructor constructor() ,an ID field, and a @Table(tableName) annotation.

@Table("testTable") //  Table name, to save the record
data class TestEntity(
    @Id val id:String? = null,  //  ID field
    val name:String? = null,
    val age:Int? = null

๐Ÿชข Relation

KSDB make relations easier, just add table entity to an already created table entity.

@Table("Person") //  Table name, to save the record
data class Person(
    @Id val id:String? = null,  //  ID field
    val name:String? = null,
    val age:Int? = null,
    val params:PersonParams? = null   //  Relation field

@Table("PersonParams") //  Table name, to save the record
data class PersonParams(
    @Id val id:String? = null,  //  ID field
    val height:Int? = null,
    val weight:Int? = null

๐Ÿ“ Database function annotations

SurrealQL has built-in functions, for more information see the official documentation. You can use some functions, with field annotations.

๐Ÿ” Crypto

Crypto function is a hashing function. Use on String fields, and it's automatically saves the hashed value, to the database.

Warning The real value travels once to the database to return the hashed value!

All crypto function is implemented, except compare functions, see the CRYPTO function documentation.

@Table("testTable") //  Table name, to save the record
data class TestEntity(
    @Id val id:String? = null,  //  ID field
    val name:String? = null,

    @Crypto(CryptoType.SHA256)  //  Crypto function
    val password:String?=null,

    val age:Int? = null

//  The saved record is:
//      id: testTable:test
//      name=testName
//      password=05a181f00c157f70413d33701778a6ee7d2747ac18b9c0fbb8bd71a62dd7a223
//      age=19

Note When requesting an entity, it returns with the already hashed value, and the original value is not returned anywhere.

๐Ÿ”ฃ Random

Random functions, to generate random value, and save to field value.
Random annotation has 4 parameters

  • Random tye
    • RAND - Generates and returns a random floating point number
    • BOOL - Generates and returns a random boolean
    • FLOAT - Generates and returns a random floating point number
    • RFLOAT - Generates and returns a random floating point number, in a specific range
    • GUID - Generates and returns a random guid
    • LGUID - Generates and returns a random guid, with length
    • INT - Generates and returns a random integer
    • RINT - Generates and returns a random integer, in a specific range
    • STRING - Generates and returns a random string
    • LSTRING - Generates and returns a random string, with length
    • RSTRING - Generates and returns a random string, in a specific range
    • TIME - Generates and returns a random datetime
    • RTIME - Generates and returns a random datetime, in a specific range
    • UUID - Generates and returns a random UUID
  • Min
  • Max
  • Length

If random type value start with R, means RANGE, if start with L, means Length. So if you use random type, which start with R, then set min and max value in annotation. If random type start with L, then set Length value in annotation.

Note Parameters have default values,
min = 0,
max = 100,
length = 15

โšก Session

Session annotation is responsible for database sessions. This annotation set the field value, to selected session.

  • DB - Returns the currently selected database
  • ID - Returns the current user's session ID
  • IP - Returns the current user's session IP address
  • NS - Returns the currently selected namespace
  • ORIGIN - Returns the current user's HTTP origin
  • SC - Returns the current user's authentication scope

๐Ÿงฎ Math

Math annotation allows to run math functions, even if the function require an array. This annotation has two type of query

  • Default
  • ARR_

If MathType starts with a ARR_, then arrayFieldName field is required. If MathTye is FIXED, then fixed field is required.

All the SurrealDB Math function is implemented, see the MATH function documentation.

  • ABS Returns the absolute value of a number
  • CEIL Rounds a number up to the next largest integer
  • FIXED Returns a number with the specified number of decimal places
  • FLOOR Rounds a number down to the next largest integer
  • ARR_MAX Returns the maximum number in a set of numbers
  • ARR_MEAN Returns the mean of a set of numbers
  • ARR_MEDIAN Returns the median of a set of numbers
  • ARR_MIN Returns the minimum number in a set of numbers
  • ARR_PRODUCT Returns the product of a set of numbers
  • ROUND Rounds a number up or down to the nearest integer
  • SQRT Returns the square root of a number
  • ARR_SUM Returns the total sum of a set of numbers

Warning If you use the array function, make sure to use the same object type for the output field as the generic type of the array. Like this

   var math: Array<Int>? = null

   @Math(MathType.ARR_MAX, arrayFieldName = "math")
   var mathArrayMax: Int? = null

   @Math(MathType.ARR_MIN, arrayFieldName = "math")
   var mathArrayMin: Int? = null

In this case, you can't use Double field on mathArrayMax or mathArrayMin field, only Int, like the array type.

๐Ÿ—บ๏ธ Mapper

๐Ÿงญ Todos

  • Rules to specify input data
  • Extend annotation functions
  • Bug fixing
  • Date time adapter

๐Ÿ‘‹ Contributing

Contributions are always welcome!

โš ๏ธ License

Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.