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Peter Garas edited this page Nov 27, 2023 · 1 revision

External ID prefix

The external ID prefix is an optional parameter of the Connector App. It is useful when the target knowledge base contains entities from different sources. This prefix helps the App to find documents that have been removed from the source system since the last run of the App. The external ID prefix is added to the source system's ID before the entities are sent to the target Knowledge Base. Next time when the App calculates the diff, it will collect documents only with this prefix. If a document in the target Knowledge Base has the given prefix, but it is not listed by the source system, then this document will be removed from the target Knowledge Base.

The document removal step can be completely disabled by removing the ObsoleteDocumentRemover from the used configurer.

export const configurer: Configurer = (pipe: Pipe) => {
.source(new GenesysSourceAdapter())
.loaders(new GenesysLoader())
.processors(new ImageProcessor(), new PrefixExternalId())
.aggregator(new DiffAggregator())
.uploaders(new DiffUploader(), new ObsoleteDocumentRemover());

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