This plugin logs a few player-related world actions to let administrators identify suspicious events.
In instances where inventories are looted by potential insiders or hackers with chest ESP, running
/wal 50 block_entity
returns logs in a 50-block radius around you related to block_entity (place,
break, and interactions).
The following log actions are available by default:
Action | Description | Available Tags (used to format log messages) |
wal:block_entity_break |
Logs whenever a player breaks a block entity (e.g., chest or barrel) | {world} {x} {y} {z} {player_xuid} {player_uuid} {player_gamertag} {block_entity} |
wal:block_entity_interact |
Logs whenever a player interacts with a block entity | {world} {x} {y} {z} {player_xuid} {player_uuid} {player_gamertag} {block_entity} |
wal:block_entity_place |
Logs whenever a player places a block entity | {world} {x} {y} {z} {player_xuid} {player_uuid} {player_gamertag} {block_entity} |
wal:chunk_enter |
Logs when a player enters a new chunk | {world} {x} {y} {z} {player_xuid} {player_uuid} {player_gamertag} |
wal:chunk_exit |
Logs when a player exits a chunk | {world} {x} {y} {z} {player_xuid} {player_uuid} {player_gamertag} |
wal:inventory_open |
Logs when a player opens an inventory (e.g., chest or barrel) | {world} {x} {y} {z} {player_xuid} {player_uuid} {player_gamertag} {block_entity} |
command requires worldactionlog.command.wal
permission (default: op-only).
Command | Player |
/wal <radius> [action] [page=1] |
View logs around you (player only) |
/wal <world> <x> <y> <z> <radius> [action] [page=1] |
View logs around a specific point |
> wal world 100 100 100 400 inv
WorldActionLog Logs (1 / 1)
1. (#459) 2024-11-02 10:20:28 wal:inventory_open NeedleGalaxy opened chest at 59x 225y 53z
2. (#378) 2024-11-02 08:55:47 wal:inventory_open NeedleGalaxy opened chest at 396x 68y 139z
3. (#367) 2024-11-02 08:55:35 wal:inventory_open NeedleGalaxy opened chest at 396x 68y 139z