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This documentation was last updated for version 1.5.1.

Please go to github for the most up-to-date documentation.

You can also download this plugin from this page.

A Plugin implementing simple Sign based warps.

Basic Usage:

Place a Sign with the following text:

x y z

Where x, y and z are numbers containing the target warp coordinates.

Or for a warp between worlds:

x y z

Where world_name is the world to warp to, and optionally the x, y and z warp location.

For Warp between servers use:


You need the FastTransfer plugin for this to work.


This plugin implements warps through the placement of signs. You need to create a sign with the text:

x y z

x, y and z are integers containing the target coordinates for this warp.

To activate a warp the player must touch a sign. That will teleport the player to the new location described by the x, y, z coordinates.

The third and four lines of the sign are ignored and can be used to describe the warp.

To teleport between worlds, the sign text should look like:

x y z

world_name is the target world to teleport to. x, y, z is the target location. If not specified it defaults to the spawn world.

If dynamic updates are enabled, the fourth line can contain the text Players:, which will get updated dynamically with the number of players on that world. Otherwise the ine is ignored and can contain any descriptive text.

To help identify potential warp targets, the command xyz is provided. Entering /xyz in-game will display the current coordinates of the player.

For Warp between servers use:


The port is optional, and would default to 19132 (the default for Minecraft PE servers). If you do not need to specify a port, then you can add some descriptive text instead. The last line is ignored and can be used for description.

You need the FastTransfer plugin for this to work.


Configuration is through the config.yml file. The following sections are defined:


  • settings: configurable variables
  • dynamic updates: Signs will be udpated with the number of players in a world
  • xyz.cmd: If true, the xyz command will be available
  • text: Text displayed on the different signs
  • transfer: Fast transfer signs
  • world: World teleport signs
  • warp: Local world teleport signs
  • players: Text to use when displaying player counts

Permission Nodes

  • : Allow user to create warp (Defaults to Op)
  • signwarp.touch.sign : Allow user to use warp
  • : Allow user to create transfer signs (Defaults to Op)
  • signwarp.touch.transfer.sign : Allow user to use transfer signs
  • : Shows current x,y,z coordinates


  • 1.5.1: bug-fix
    • Removed a nasty crash in BreakSign
  • 1.5.0:
    • Signs now show max players in world.
  • 1.4.0:
    • Clean-up and use library stuff
    • Removed broadcast setting: Use GrabBag broadcast-tp module
    • Translations: Spanish
  • 1.3.2: CallbackTask
    • Removed CallbackTask deprecation warnings
  • 1.3.1: FastTransfer
    • removed onLoad... All initialization happens onEnable
    • FastTransfer support
  • 1.3.0: Re-write
    • /xyz can now be disabled
    • cleaned up the code
  • 1.2.2: Bug fixes
  • 1.2.1 : Minor updates
    • Added broadcast-tp setting.
    • Small changes on the way ManyWorlds API is used.
  • 1.2.0 : Configurable texts
    • Sign texts can be configured. Useful for localization.
  • 1.1.1 : Bugfix release
    • Fixed /xyz command.
  • 1.1.0 : Update release
    • Will not teleport if you are holding a sign.
    • Prevents blocks to be placed when teleporting.
    • Use ManyWorlds teleport functionality when available.
    • Added dynamic sign updates.
  • 1.0.0 : First release


  • Q: How do I create additional worlds?
  • You can use a plugin like ManyWorlds or modify the worlds secion in your pocketmine.yml file.


Copyright (C) 2015 Alejandro Liu  
All Rights Reserved.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

128 70 128 X:-100 Y:69 Z:1072