A full stack app to save your top 10 favorite movies
Users should be able to:
- Search for any movie of their choice and see details regarding their search
- Add any movie of their choice to their list
- View more details about a particular movie from their list
- Compare their personal rating to the movie's IMDB raring
- Sort their list based on title and year
- Search through their list
- Delete any movie of their choice from their
- Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/your-repo.git
- Install dependencies in both the frontend and backend folders
cd frontend
npm install
cd backend
npm install
- Create a .env file in both the frontend and backend directories and add necessary environment variables.
cd frontend
npm run dev
Your frontend application should be running at http://localhost:5173. -
cd backend
npm start
- Website - Mudi Igbinoba
- Twitter - @Mudi_Igbinoba
- Github - @mudi-igbinoba
- LinkedIn - Osamudiame Igbinoba