A birthday reminder web app that helps you keep track of all your loved ones' birthdays
- User can enter someone’s birthday and that information persists
- User cannot enter the same person’s birthday twice
- When the user visits the app, those whose birthdays are that day display on the app
- Solution URL: https://github.com/Mudi-Igbinoba/birthday-app
- Live Site URL: https://birthday-reminder-app-8a489f.netlify.app/
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- CSS custom properties
- Flexbox
- React - JS library
- React Bootstrap - CSS library
- DexieJS - A Minimalistic Wrapper for IndexedDB
- Website - Mudi Igbinoba
- Twitter - @Mudi_Igbinoba
- Github - @mudi-igbinoba
- LinkedIn - Osamudiame Igbinoba