A Vue composable library for simplifying dependency injection.
$ npm install @muxiu1997/vue-easy-di
import defineEmitterComposable from '@muxiu1997/vue-easy-di'
// Defining a dependency injection composable
const useMyDependency = defineUseDependencyInjection<MyType>(() => newMyType());
// Providing a value at the parent component
const parentComponent = defineComponent({
setup() {
const myDependency = useMyDependency('provide');
// Or overrides default initializer
const myDependency = useMyDependency('provide', () => newMyType());
// Injecting a value in a child component
const childComponent = defineComponent({
setup() {
const myDependency = useMyDependency('inject');
// Or omit 'inject' because it is the default
const myDependency = useMyDependency();
// Using with default value
const useDefaultDependency = defineUseDependencyInjection<MyType>({ injectDefault: () => newMyType() });
// Using with default value in inject mode
const myDependency = useDefaultDependency('inject', { injectDefault: () => newMyType() });
// Throwing error when no provider is found
const useStrictDependency = defineUseDependencyInjection<MyType>({ throwOnNoProvider: () => new Error('No provider found for useStrictDependency') });
// Throwing error when no provider is found in inject mode
const myDependency = useStrictDependency('inject', { throwOnNoProvider: () => new Error('No provider found for myDependency') });