TWO full-stack social news apps—one backed by a server-side Express.js API, and the other backed by a server-side Java Spring Boot API.
Click here to see it live on Heroku.
Have IntelliJ IDEA downloaded as well as JDK, Insomina Core and MySQl
Build a Spring Boot API with the correct project structure and necessary dependencies generated by Spring Initializr, Create CRUD operations with Spring Data JPA and MySQL. Set up and configure the local environment and back-end server for Java.Use Thymeleaf to add templating to the application to allow for user interactions.Create front-end and back-end Controllers to maintain and process the application flow.Highlight similarities between JavaScript and Java.
We can test for:
Open the terminal and run the start script to have the api connect to the DB, and then go to localhost:8082
or the app running on heroku.
If you have any questions or concerns my contact info is below.
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