A deployed app that uses Heroku for the server, and handlebars for the html templates, then PIXI.js as a game engine where we used to create the runner game. We have a user login as well as highScore for each user saved. The game we have squidward trying to dodge cornavirus and get the plankcoin. The leftover health is thse score you achieve, the point is to try to get to the coin with the most amount of Health left.
npm install
or npm i
+ "bcyrptjs","express","express-handlebars","express-session","mysql2","passport","passport-local","pixi","pixi.js","sequelize"
these packages should be in your located in the package.json under depedencies.
Escaping reality when your spouse is mad at you!
We can test for:
npm start
if it doesnt run, the errors will guide you.
Paul Carr Randy Lofgren Lucas Winslow Matt Caspento
If you have any questions or concerns my contact info is below.
https://github.com/Carrpw, https://github.com/RandyLofgren, https://github.com/Leedubla, https://github.com/Mrcaspento/
Email us at any of the addresses below: winslowlucas8@gmail.com, pwcarr15@gmail.com, mrcaspento@gmail.com, randy.lofgren@gmail.com