Deno CLI tool for extracting the run chronic from Risk of Rain 2 and formatting it into a CSV and JSON files.
This program can have bugs or not optimal results. So use at your own risk and maybe reports bugs.
- Download the latest release from the download/releases page.
- In order to use it you have to open a command line window and navigate to the folder in which the executable is located.
- Then you can use the following command and arguments.
If you are on linux you should replace the name of the executable being used!
./ror2-chronic-extract.exe [sub-command] <options>
./ror2-chronic-extract.exe extract <options>
--install-dir "C:\\Path\\to\\RiskOfRain2"
- The installation directory of Risk of Rain 2 - THIS IS REQUIRED OR IT WILL NOT BE ABLE TO EXTRACT THE INFORMATION--out "PATH\\to\\Output\\Directory
- Used for manually setting an output directory, on default it will fallback to anout
folder in the current working directory the application is run in.
Side Note for Nerds - Risk of Rain 2 saves all runs as XML files inside a folder of the Installation Directory independent from the actual save files/profiles.