You must already be familiar with Zerotier and able to make a network, add the devices, find their ZeroTier-assigned IP addresses.
zt_cam is a Flask web app that provides information for ZeroTier networking and the connection between a Raspberry Pi and a control device. It offers the following features:
Check the ZeroTier connection status (direct or relayed). Retrieve signal strength from a Huawei modem connected to the Raspberry Pi (tested with e3372h, e8372h, and a knockoff e3372h-510). Measure latency between the Raspberry Pi and a designated control device on the same ZeroTier network. Dependencies Make sure to install these dependencies before using zt_cam:
Flask: pip install Flask
picamera: pip install picamera
requests: pip install requests
Configuration for latency feature. Open app.py. Find the target_ip variable.
Replace the IP address inside the quotes with your control device's ZeroTier-assigned IP address.
Access the application in your browser by entering the Raspberry Pi's ZeroTier-assigned IP address and port (default: http://RASPBERRY_PI_IP:6789).