This Project encompases a collection of scripts that automate the processes of runing Scaling Tests with TRUST/TrioCFD on a given datafile.
This Project currently uses "sbatch" command (slurm) to run each test. It is posible to change this scripts functionality by replacing/changeing some its modules.
- -h, --help Show this help message and exit.
- -df DATA_FILE Path to the data file to be executed.
- -mp MAX_PROCS Maximal number of processes (the tests will be run for each power of 2 which is lower or equal to MAX_PROCS).
- -t TIMES Number of times each test will be executed.
- -r Should the mesh be refined.
- -h, --help Show this help message and exit.
- -tn TEST_NAME The name of the test to be executed.
- -td TEST_DIR The diretory contaning the tests data files.
- -t TIMES Number of times each test will be executed.
- -np N_PROCS Number of processes to run the test with.
Gathers the test results form all output files created by runinig the scaling_tester, and dumps them to a CSV file called "test_results.csv".
- -h, --help Show this help message and exit.
- -d DIR Path to the directory created by scaling tester containing the test results.
- -h, --help Show this help message and exit.
- -of OUTPUT_FILE path to the out file to be refined.
- -h, --help Show this help message and exit.
- -df DATA_FILE Path to the data file to be refined.
- -rt REFINEMENT_TYPE Refinement type 4 or 8.