The first app I built using Angular, in merely 3 days! On this app you can transfer money to your fake contacts, CRUDL them and get information about the current Bitcoin value, the market price and more! Check it out here!
I decided to learn a new framework because I want to keep expanding my knowledge and overcome new challenges.
About the project - a small app that was built in 3 days, and provides the user with a list of contacts that he can transfer money to. The app includes a basic CRUDL option and some information about the fake bank currency in Bitcoin.
You are more than welcome to check it out (just enter your name and see it yourself - right here)
- Angular 15
- ng2 charts
- Angular-Router
- Angular Http Client
- Sass
- Angular CLI & Github pages
Please feel free to take a look at the different components building the website - Showcase
- Simple authentication - session storage.
- HTTP request for Market price, BITcoin value and more.
- Presenting data in a dashboard using charts from an open-source library.
- CRUDL of contacts.
- Responsive and well designed.
Clone the project or download the files on top.
git clone
Open the terminal and enter the following line to run it locally on your computer:
ng serve --open
Builds and serves the app, and views it in the browser.