A Final Project for Music 128 where I was tasked with creating a data sonification. At the time I was taking Linguis R1B (a class on endangered languages), and Stat 33b (Advanced Programming in R) and chose to use this project as a means of mixing these three classes together.
For full documentation on how this project was created, go to the main repo and navigate to "FinalProjectMarkdown.pdf".
Unfortunately, I haven't uploaded any of these videos onto Youtube or any video hosting platform so the only way to view the sonifications is to download the mp4 files located in the repo.
The packages utilized:
- For processing the csv.
- For creating the actual animations used in the final videos.
- For plotting the data points onto a map.
- For downloading the plots into .mp4 files which were editted later to have audio.
For audio I used TwoTones which basically turns the data into audio.