Analysis code for "An online atlas of human plasma metabolite signatures of gut microbiome composition" by Dekkers et al.
- correlations.R is the R-script used to calculate partial Spearman correlations between gut microbial species and plasma metabolites
- gsea.R is the R-script used to generate the enrichment test results for gut metabolic modules, taxonomic genera and metabolite classes
- variance_explained.R is the R-script used to calculate how much of the variance of gut microbial species is explained by a combination of metabolites
- create_test_data.R is the R-script used to generate the test data
- data.rda is simulated test data, the scripts work both on the real data as well as the test data
- is the data used to generate the manuscript figures
Install R:
Install Bioconductor:
Install packages in R:
- library(BiocManager)
- install(c("rio", "BiocParallel", "ppcor", "glmnet", "fgsea"))
Download correlations.R, gsea.R, variance_explained.R
Install time: <10 minutes
- Download data.rda
- In R:
- Set working directory to directory with data.rda, e.g. setwd("C:/Users/User/Documents/Demo/")
- Run script correlations.R
- Run script gsea.R
- Run script variance_explained.R
- Expected output:
- Files: correlations.tsv, diversity.tsv, gsea_module.tsv, gsea_genus.tsv, gsea_subclass.tsv and variance_explained.tsv
- In correlations.tsv the strongest associations should be for metabolite1
- In gsea_module.tsv and gsea_genus.tsv the strongest enrichment should be for metabolite1
- In variance_explained.tsv the highest variance explained should be for metabolite1
- Run time: <5 minutes
Software versions tested: R 4.1.2, rio 0.5.29, BiocParallel 1.28.3, ppcor 1.1, glmnet 4.1-3 and fgsea 1.20.0