#public folder: every css and js file will go in public file. To link files from public assests use
<?=ROOT_URL . '/public/foldername/filename'?>
#database setup will be defined in .env file
DB_HOST= your host name
DB_USER= your db username
DB_PASS= your db password
DB_NAME= your db name
#make your own helper functions at app/helpers/helpers.php file.
#views should go to app/views directory. You have to put .view.php extension. To get included file from inc folder:
<?php echo include_once APP_URL . '/views/inc/header.view.php' ?>
or you can just put it into a helper function to make it easier
#Routes: define routes in app/routes.php file
$route->get('/users', 'UserController@index');
or using callback
$route->get('/users/:id', function($id){
view('users/index', ['id' => $id]);
Still working on other methods like post, put and delete