A sleek, real-time chat application that combines modern design with powerful features, delivering a seamless communication experience.
- Real-Time Messaging: Powered by Socket.io for instant conversations.
- Authentication & Authorization: Secure JWT implementation.
- Online User Status: Stay updated with who's online.
- Global State Management: Simplified with Zustand.
- Error Handling: Robust error management on both client and server.
- Theme Customization: Choose from 32 stunning themes with Daisy UI.
Check out the live application: Zephyr Chat App
- Frontend: React, TailwindCSS, Daisy UI
- Backend: Node.js, Express
- Database: MongoDB
- Real-Time: Socket.io
- State Management: Zustand
git clone https://github.com/MohammedJawwad/Zephyr-Chat-App.git
cd Zephyr-Chat-App
cd backend
npm install
cd ../frontend
npm install
cd backend
npm start
cd ../frontend
npm run dev