IntruPod is a library used to collect data about the client devices, send custom web views ie: pixel trackers, captcha..
IntruPod could be easily integrated via Cocaopods. Add the following line to your Podfile :
pod 'IntruPod'
To access the different device infos :
import IntruPod
let deviceInfo = LiveTracker.shared.getDeviceInfo()
You can then send them to your remote server with
let _ = LiveTracker.shared.sendDeviceReport()
You can use the DomeWebView to send the user a webView, ie: captcha, embeded banner,...
By default it redirects to a captcha image, but it's fully customizable via the serverURLString
let domeWV = DomeWebView(frame: yourView.frame)
- This POC pod was created to demonstrate a basic, simple, less intrusive case to get users device infos. No external libs were used (to make network calls, encode/decode JSON... )
- Server links were added just to mock the entire workflow.