A library of max-plus algebra related algorithms. It was originally developed to support the analysis of timed dataflow models in the SDF3 library.
Note that there is additionally a Python library that supports a different set of max-plus algebra related algorithms:
The library can be built with cmake on a Linux platform as follows.
cmake .
This creates a static library that can be used with the provided include files.
Use the following to run the tests and coverage results.
make maxpluslibcoverage
The documentation can be built with the following command.
make documentation
In Visual Studio, make sure that the C++ CMake tools for Windows
option is installed as part of the Desktop development with C++
modules of Visual Studio.
Start VS and select Open a local folder
and select the main folder of the repository (with the top level CMakeLists.txt
Select Project->Configure Cache
and then Build->Build All
Create a docker image from the provided Dockerfile
docker build . -t maxpluslib
Wait for the construction of the image to complete. The static library, include files, test and test coverage results and documentation reside in mounted volumes in the image. The results can be copied from the image to the host by creating a container from the image and copying the volumes to the host as needed.
docker cp CONTAINER:/maxpluslib/ <host path>
docker cp CONTAINER:/maxpluslibtest/ <host path>
docker cp CONTAINER:/maxpluslibdoc/ <host path>
docker cp CONTAINER:/maxpluslibcoverage/ <host path>
This library contains contributions by the following authors.
- Marc Geilen (m.c.w.geilen@tue.nl)
- Bram van der Sanden
- Sander Stuijk
- Peter Poplavko
- Bart Theelen
- Alireza Mohammadkhani
To make documentation, install doxygen and graphviz and run the following command.
make doc
Documentation is built in documentation/hmtml
For questions regarding the library, contact Marc Geilen (m.c.w.geilen@tue.nl)
This software is licensed under the MIT License