Swifty helpers for working with the Swift AWS SDK.
Swift 5.9 toolchain with Swift Package Manager.
AWS Extras is distributed using the Swift Package Manager. To install it into a project, add it as a dependency within your Package.swift
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/Mobelux/swift-aws-extras.git", from: "0.1.0")
Then, add the relevant product to any targets that need access to the library:
.product(name: "<product>", package: "swift-aws-extras"),
Where <product>
is one of the following:
Initialize an EmailSender
let sender = try await EmailSenderFactory.live().make()
To send an email with a plain text body:
let messageID = try await sender.send(
.text("Plain text email content")
To send an email with both plain text and HTML:
let messageID = try await sender.send(
.combined("Plain text email content", "<!doctype html>\n<html>...</html>")
Add AttributeValueConvertible
conformance to model types:
struct MyModel: Codable {
let name: String
let value: Int
extension MyModel: AttributeValueConvertible {
var attributes: [String: AttributeValue] {
CodingKeys.name: .s(name),
CodingKeys.value: .n(String(value))
Initialize Persistence
let persistence = try await PersistenceFactory.make(
Persist a model instance:
let model = MyModel(name: "foo", value: 42)
try await persistence.put(model)
Initialize Secrets
with a region:
let secrets = Secrets.live(region: "us-east-1")
Retrieve a secret string by its id:
let secret = try await secrets.string("my-secret-id")
Retrieve secret data by its id:
let secret = try await secrets.data("my-secret-id")
Retrieve multiple secrets:
let secrets = try await secrets.batch([