We will compare developer vacancies in different programming languages from two popular resources: HeadHunter и SuperJob.
The following information will be processed:
- the number of posted vacancies in the programming language
- number of vacancies with specified salaries
- average salary for developers
Please be sure that Python3 is already installed.
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/MiraNizam/Job_selection_service.git
- Create a new virtual environment env in the directory
pip install virtualenv
cd project_path
python -m virtualenv env
- Activate the new environment
source env/bin/activate (for Linux or any Posix)
env\Scripts\activate (for Windows)
- Use pip (or pip3, if there is a conflict with Python2) to install dependencies in new environment:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Get SECRET_KEY from the site api.SuperJob.
- Create file .env
- add your SECRET_KEY, this will be used as an environment variable.
- add the list of languages
SECRET_KEY = "replace me"
python statistics_table.py
Example of output: