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Minority Programmers Association is proud to sponsor and announce the winners to the inaugural ClimateHacks competition
- ClimateHacks Promo https://youtu.be/TgX5HG9Yk2Y
- ClimateHacks KickOff https://youtu.be/oks8Fwfz2es
- ClimateHacks Prize Ceremony https://youtu.be/NMQoOAhB4iw
- How to Setup Up Digital Payments to Collect Prize https://youtu.be/f8HlCfAIFqg
TRASHGRAM Trashgram makes people clean our Earth by using the power of social media https://github.com/mithileshchellappan/Minority-Programmers-ClimateHacks-2021 https://youtu.be/Mre-GNOnh_s https://devpost.com/software/trashgram-cleaning-our-home-one-post-at-a-time
- Mithilesh Chellappan: @mithileshchellappan
- Rajeev Chandran: @RaajeevChandran
CARbon Cycle https://vimeo.com/541455859 https://github.com/allenjhuang/carboncycle https://devpost.com/software/carboncycle-r45mo0 CARboncycle estimates CO2 emissions based on a typical work week's commute. Team
- Allen: allenjhuang
- Andrew: ahuang11
How to Save Water Online https://youtu.be/rDUxi8SBir0 https://github.com/tejas2806/howTosaveh2.online https://devpost.com/software/how-to-save-water-online Harnessing the power of current hardware technology and software to help people decrease their environmental footprint. Team
- Tejas_Khairnar: @tejas268
- Atharwa_Kharkar: @atharwa-24
- Dhawal_Khapre: @DhawalKhapre
- Om_Khairate: @omkhairate
Smart Trash Sort Automated Waste Segregation using Raspberry-pi & ML https://youtu.be/7JCV30IYnuE https://github.com/ramcalm/smart-trash-sort https://devpost.com/software/smart-trash-sort-71rozn Team
- Ganesh C K M : @ckmganesh
- Siddharth Nair @siddharth1010
- Ram Gunasekaran A @ramcalm
- Sabarish S : @ssabarish2000
Carbon Waze Making lifestyle travel more carbon friendly https://youtu.be/K2tGD025BEc https://github.com/Srikark-17/Minority-Programmers-ClimateHacks-2021 https://devpost.com/software/carbon-waze Team
- Om Joshi: @backpack455
- Srikar Kusumanchi @Srikark.sgk
Causation of Fires in the United States https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3-8UbfIPmE https://github.com/GiuliaCajati/Minority-Programmers-ClimateHacks-2021 Provides visual data representation to showcase the impact, and causation of fires United States https://devpost.com/software/causation-of-fires-in-california Team
- Giulia: @GiuliaCajati
- Kevin: @KevJSDevelopment
- Mark: @NavPoint1
- Amy: @aysikh
InsidePlant InsidePlant is like a microblogging application focused specifically on plants but in a more rewarding manner along with several other features https://youtu.be/41G16cCqp-c https://github.com/axs7749/InsidePlant https://devpost.com/software/insideplant Team
- Nishit Mangal @axs7749
COWculator https://devpost.com/software/cowculator-g0cwxm CowCulator is a web application used for tracking of carbon emissions associated with the meals we eat. https://youtu.be/CCSQ7UmxmQs https://devpost.com/software/cowculator-g0cwxm
- The Value of Forest https://devpost.com/software/the-value-of-forest
- Carbonpedia https://devpost.com/software/carbonpedia
- Smart Greenhouse System https://devpost.com/software/smart-greenhouse-system-dxkpnu
- Plant Predict https://devpost.com/software/plant-predict
- ArtOffset https://devpost.com/software/artoffset-54a9hw
How to claim your prize https://youtu.be/f8HlCfAIFqg
- Sign up for DefiSummer http://defisummer.org/ on Devpost https://defi.devpost.com/
- Join Minority Programmers, fill out interest form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdmfHMGP4dS6_90RuzpenDkif7casdzLerA5pQtS_qvS9BqLQ/viewform?embedded=true
- Email hackathon@ minority programmers.org to get involved in future hackathons
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- [ClimateHacks Website] (https://climatehacks.dev/)
- [ClimateHacks Discord] (https://discord.com/invite/76bKxEfuQF)