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This is a Minecraft serialization package for automatic serialization and de-serialization of Java and Minecraft objects, to JSON, NBT, and packets. Note that not all objects support all ways of serialization, though they will be specially marked as such.

Table of Contents

Supported Classes

List of objects supporting all 3 serialization methods:

  • All Primitive types and their boxed types (char,byte,short,int,long,float,double,boolean)
  • Commonly used Java objects (String, UUID)
  • Collections or collection-like of leaf class (Set, List, Map, Record, Enum, Array).
    • Note that they must be in leaf class. For example, List<String> is illegal, but ArrayList<String> is good.
    • Make sure the classes (except record) have a default constructor with no parameters.
    • For enum, only leaf class allowed. Parameterized types such as <T extends Enum & Ixxx> is not allowed.
    • For record, parameterized types are allowed. You can use <T extends Record & Ixxx> to represent a record that implements interface Ixxx.
  • Commonly used registered Minecraft objects
    • Default implementation supports Item, Block, Enchantment, MobEffect, Potion, EntityType
    • You can add others yourself using RLClassHandler. Example: new RLClassHandler<>(Item.class, () -> ForgeRegistries.ITEMS);
    • Datapack registry not allowed.
    • For custom registry, you need to register them through RLClassHandler. If you are using L2Registrate, it handles automatically for you.
  • Common Minecraft Objects
    • ResourceLocation, ItemStack, FluidStack
  • Classes you defines that are marked as @SerialClass

List of objects that support everything besides NBT:

  • Ingredient

List of objects that support everything besides JSON:

  • NBT elements: CompountTag, ListTag
  • Simple class that serves as record: BlockPos, Vec3, MobEffectInstance
    • If you want to use these in json, please create a record.

Null Defer

Note that ItemStack and Ingredient cannot be null: null value will be treated as ItemStack.EMPTY and Ingredient.EMPTY respectively.

How to use

To mark a class as serializable, you need to also mark its fields. Here is an example:

// Mark this class as serializable
public class TestClassA { 
    // regular field. private is allowed.
    private String name;

    // final field. During de-serialziation,
    // this object will have values injected
    // instead of constructed again
    private final TestClassB base = new TestClassB(this);
    // for collections, being final or not doesn't matter
    public final ArrayList<TestClassB> list = new ArrayList<>();
    // supports nested collections and maps
    public final HashMap<Item, ArrayList<ItemStack>> list = new HashMap<>();

    // this field is ignored during serialization
    private boolean valid;
    // to be de-serializable directly,
    // it needs to have a default constructor
    public TestClassA(){
    // Optional. This method will be called after de-serialization.
    public void onInject(){
        valid = true;
    // regular constructor
    public TestClassA(String name){ = name;
        this.valid = true;
        // warning: if the object serialized doesn't match 
        // its declared class, the algorithm will serialize
        // the class name as well. Same for records.
        list.add(new TestClassC(this));

public class TestClassB {
    // do not loop reference
    public final TestClassA parent;
    public int value;
    // This class cannot be constructed directly
    // but can still have injections
    public TestClassB(TestClassA parent) {
        this.parent = parent;

// inheritance allowed.
// However, they must not have fields of the same name.
public class TestClassC extends TestClassB {

    public double secondValue;

    public TestClassB(TestClassA parent) {

// records don't need annotation
public record TestClassD(int a, TestClassA obj) {

How to serialize:

public class Test {
    public static void jsonConvert() {
        TestClassA obj = new TestClassA("abc");
        // convert obj to json
        JsonElement a = JsonCodec.toJson(obj);
        // convert json back to obj, constructing object
        TestClassA rec = JsonCodec.from(TestClassA.class, json, null);
        //convert obj to json, but mark available type information
        JsonElement b = JsonCodec.toJson(a.base, TestClassB.class);
        // inject data into existing object
        JsonCodec.from(TestClassB.class, c, a.base);
        JsonObject json = new JsonObject();
        // inject data into existing json object
        JsonCodec.toJsonObject(obj, json);

Same for NBT and Packets. Note that NBT has 9 methods of 4 type:

  • TagCodec::toTag: serialize @SerialClass object to tag
  • TagCodec::valueToTag: serialize any value to tag
  • TagCodec::fromTag: deserialize @SerialClass object from tag
  • TagCodec::valueFromTag: deserialize any value from tag Also, it supports 3 different serialization filter:
  • All: serialize everything
  • toClient: serialize fields that are marked as toClient only
    • This is for BlockEntity and Entity synchronization
  • toTracking: serialize fields that are marked as toTracking only
    • This is for Capability syncronization


This library also comes with a networking tool. The BasePacketHandler can simplify packet handing by a lot. You only need to extend SerialPacketBase, mark your class as @SerialClass, mark your fields to serialize as @SerialClass.SerialField, and implement handle method. The method will be executed in main thread.

It also has functions to send a packet to server, to one client, to all clients, to tracking clients of an entity, and to tracking clients of a block.


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