- improv. fix gitignore which removed tmp folder - @nivcoo
- feat. add maintenance title - @nivcoo
- feat. add sub_url option into maintenance page - @nivcoo
- feat. impl. new system of maintenance -> StanByes - @nivcoo
- improv. remove bg-light on admin panel - @nivcoo
- improv. remove bg-light on admin panel - @nivcoo
- improv. fix ban controller - @nivcoo
- feat. impl. new ban system -> StanByes - @nivcoo
- improv. add sqlite3 support - @nivcoo
- improv. update bootstrap 4 - @nivcoo
- improv. update adminlte + fix lot of admin panel issue - @nivcoo
- improv. update tinymce - @nivcoo
- feat. message in server link page for banner state - @nivcoo
- improv. fix space in configuration page - @nivcoo
- feat. add history method into lang component - @nivcoo
- feat. add catch to prevent internal error on register page - @nivcoo
- improv. change display of history table - @nivcoo
- improv. change api ctp - @nivcoo
- improv. change api ctp - @nivcoo
- improv. change disposition of theme/plugin table - @nivcoo
- feat. translation of history page - @nivcoo
- no more cake update so indent - @nivcoo
- feat. up to cake 2.10.24, the latest version of cakephp - @nivcoo
- improv. array check - @nivcoo
- improv. change httpheader - @nivcoo
- feat. add multiple send request to prevent big lags - @nivcoo
- improv. fix duplicating line into lang files - @nivcoo
- improv. rewrite some codes - @nivcoo
- Change theme load (#281) - @StanByes
- Fix permission in first step of installation (#279) - @StanByes
- Fix navbar permission for server part (#280) - @StanByes
- improv. add url (#270) - @nivcoo
- improv. fix new server (#272) - @nivcoo
- improv. add lang for error (#269) - @nivcoo