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MindTouch HTTP

A PHP library for interacting with the MindTouch API. Latest Stable Version Latest Unstable Version Total Downloads


This library is provided for and supported by the open source community. Supported MindTouch site owners may file bug reports via GitHub, but support plans do not cover the usage of this library.


  • PHP 5.5, 5.6 (1.x)
  • PHP 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 (main, 2.x, 3.x)


Use Composer. There are two ways to add this library to your project.

From the composer CLI:

./composer.phar require mindtouch/mindtouch-http

Or add mindtouch/mindtouch-http to your project's composer.json:

    "require": {
        "mindtouch/mindtouch-http": "dev-main"

dev-main is the main development branch. If you are using this library in a production environment, it is advised that you use a stable release.

Assuming you have setup Composer's autoloader, the library can be found in the MindTouch\Http\ namespace.

Getting Started

A quick example:

$plug = new ApiPlug(XUri::newFromString(''));
$result = $plug->at('pages', 'home', 'contents')->get();
if($result->isSuccess()) {

    // great job!
    echo $result->getVal('body/contents');

Common Scenarios

Access a Page and Contents

$plug = new ApiPlug(XUri::newFromString(''));
$pagesPlug = $plug->at('pages')->with('include', 'contents');

// request page id 7239 with contents
$result = $pagesPlug->at('7239')->get();

// extract page content body
$content = $result->getVal('body/page/contents/body');

List all Tags

$plug = new ApiPlug(XUri::newFromString(''));

// request all site tags
$result = $plug->at('site', 'tags')->get();

// extract tags
$tags = $result->getAll('body/tags/tag');

List Pages with a Tag

$plug = new ApiPlug(XUri::newFromString(''));
$tagsPlug = $plug->at('site', 'tags');

// request all pages that are tagged "access"
$result = $plug->at('=access')->get();

// extract pages
$pages = $result->getAll('body/tag/page');

List Page SubPages

$plug = new ApiPlug(XUri::newFromString(''));
$pagesPlug = $plug->at('pages');

// request all immediate subpages of page id 7795
$result = $pagesPlug->at('7795', 'subpages')->get();

// extract subpages
$pages = $result->getAll('body/subpages/page.subpage');

List Page Files

$plug = new ApiPlug(XUri::newFromString(''));
$pagesPlug = $plug->at('pages');

// request a list of all files attached to page path 'lorem/ipsum/dolor'
$result = $pagesPlug->at('=lorem/ipsum/dolor', 'files')->get();

// extract list of files
$files = $result->getAll('body/files/file');

List Page Tags

$plug = new ApiPlug(XUri::newFromString(''));
$pagesPlug = $plug->at('pages');

// request a list of all tags on page id 619
$result = $pagesPlug->at('619', 'tags')->get();

// extract list of tags
$tags = [];
foreach($result->getAll('body/tags/tag') as $tag) {
    $tags[] = $tag['@value'];

Advanced Usage

This library is an extension of modethirteen/HyperPlug and derives most if it's capabilities from it. However, this library's ApiPlug class provides specialized behavior for interacting with the MindTouch API.

// the library allows for programmatic URL construction and parsing
$uri = XUri::newFromString('')

    // every step in a URL builder returns an immutable XUri object
    ->at('scim', 'v2', 'users')
    ->withQueryParam('xyzzy', 'plugh')
        'bar' => 'qux',
        'baz' => 'fred'

// QueryParams objects are normally immutable
$params = $uri->getQueryParams();

// we can change the data structure of a QueryParams object if we must
$params = $params->toMutableQueryParams();
$params->set('baz', 'abc');

// QueryParams are also iterable
foreach($params as $param => $value) {
    $uri = $uri->withReplacedQueryParam($param, $value);

// what does our URL look like now?
$result = $uri->toString(); //

// we can give our XUri object to a Plug or an ApiPlug to create a client
$plug = new \modethirteen\Http\Plug($uri);

// Plug holds the main HTTP client functionality which can technically be used with any HTTP server
// ...however ApiPlug provides a layer of MindTouch API-specific request formatting and response handling
// ...and is highly recommended when connecting to the MindTouch API
$plug = new ApiPlug($uri);

// like every object in this library, attaching new values or behaviors to plugs is by default immutable
// ...and returns a new object reference

// add a Server API Token for administrator authorization
// ... which calculates Server API Token hash at HTTP request invocation
$plug->withApiToken((new ApiToken('rabbits', 'hasen'))->withUsername('admin'));

// we can add some additional URL path segements and query parameters that weren't part of the constructing URL
$plug = $plug->at('another', 'additional', 'endpoint', 'segment')->with('more', 'params');

// how many redirects will we follow?
$plug = $plug->withAutoRedirects(2);

// HTTP requests often need HTTP headers
$plug = $plug->withHeader('X-FcStPauli', 'hells')
    ->withAddedHeader('X-FcStPauli', 'bells')
    ->withHeader('X-HSV', 'you\'ll never walk again');

// ...or not
$plug = $plug->withoutHeader('X-HSV');

// the Headers object, like XUri and QueryParams, is normally immutable
$headers = $plug->getHeaders();
$result = $headers->getHeader('X-FcStPauli'); // ['hells', 'bells']
$result = $headers->getHeaderLine('X-FcStPauli'); // X-HSV: hells, bells

// but if you really want to...
$mutableHeaders = $headers->toMutableHeaders();
$mutableHeaders->set('X-HSV', 'keiner mag den hsv');

// a Headers object is iterable
foreach($mutableHeaders as $header => $values) {
    foreach($values as $value) {

        // HTTP headers can have multiple stored values
        // ...though normally sent via an HTTP client as comma separated on a single HTTP header line
        echo "{$header}: {$value}";

// also we can merge the two sets of Headers (the original and the mutated one)
// create a brand new object containing the values of both
$mergedHeaders = $headers->toMergedHeaders($mutableHeaders);

// we've built out a pretty complex HTTP client now
// ...but what if we want a client with a different URL but everything else the same?
$alternateApiPlug = $plug->withUri(XUri::newFromString(''));

// we are going to invoke an HTTP request
// ...pre and post invocation callbacks can attach special logic and handlers
// ...intended to be executed whenever or wherever this HTTP client is used
// ...maybe there is some logic we want to always perform at the moment the HTTP request is about to be sent?
$plug = $plug->withPreInvokeCallback(function(XUri $uri, IHeaders $headers) {

    // last chance to change the URL or HTTP headers before the request is made
    // ...URL and HTTP headers for the single request invocation can be mutated
    // ...this will not affect the URL or HTTP headers configured in the plug
    $headers->toMutableHeaders()->addHeader('something', 'contextual');

// multiple callbacks can be attached (they are executed in the order they are attached)
$plug = $plug->withPreInvokeCallback(function(XUri $uri, IHeaders $headers) {

// maybe we want to attach some special handling that always executes when we receive an HTTP response?
$plug = $plug->withPostInvokeCallback(function(HttpResult $result) {

    // perhaps there is special behavior to always trigger based on the HTTP response status code?
    if($result->is(403)) {

// HTTP responses can be parsed from text into traversable data structures by attaching one or more HttpResultParser objects
// ...parsing can be possibly memory intensive, so limits can be put on the allowed size of a response to parse
$plug = $plug->withHttpResultParser((new JsonParser())->withMaxContentLength(640000));

// fetching HTTP data is handled via HTTP GET
$result = $plug->get();

// POST or PUT can optionally send data, in a several different content types as needed
$result = $plug->post(
    (new MultiPartFormDataContent([
        'a' => 'b',
        'c' => 'd'
    ->withFileContent(new FileContent('/path/to/file'))
$result = $plug->put(new FileContent('/path/to/file'));
$result = $plug->post(new UrlEncodedFormDataContent([
    'e' => 'f',
    'g' => 'h'
$result = $plug->post(JsonContent::newFromArray([
    'a' => [
        'multi-dimensional' => [
$result = $plug->post(XmlContent::newFromArray([
    'another' => [
        'multi-dimensional' => [
        'formatted' => 'as xml'
$result = $plug->put(new TextContent('good old text!'));

// during the invocation process, an ApiResultException may be raised
// ...such as a max HTTP response content length exceeded or an HTTP response parser failure
// ...exceptions can bubble up to the HTTP client callsite, or handled in the HTTP client internally
$plug = $plug->withResultErrorHandler(function(ApiResultException $e) : bool {
    if($e instanceof HttpResultParserException) {

        // always suppress this exception
        return false;
    return true;

You are encouraged to explore the library classes and tests to learn more about the capabilities not listed here.

Development and Testing

Though the library is sponsored by MindTouch, Inc., contributions are always welcome from the community (there are defects and enhancements to address).

The library is tested through a combination of PHPUnit and MockPlug (an interceptor that matches ApiPlug invocations and returns mocked responses). Further code quality is checked using PHPStan (PHP Static Analysis Tool).

# fork and clone the mindtouch-http.php repository
git clone{username}/mindtouch-http.php.git

# install dependencies
composer install

# run static analysis checks
vendor/bin/phpstan analyse --level 7 src

# run tests
vendor/bin/phpunit --configuration phpunit.xml.dist

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