Author: Michael Gaisser
Library for editing LucasArts *.XWI and *.TIE mission files for Xwing95, TIE95, XvT and XWA.
- (TIE, XvT) Missions with too many Messages will now load, though the excess will be lost. [YOGEME#120]
- Note: Does not apply to XWA due to Messages being valid Trigger inputs, so simply deleting can break the mission.
- Idmr.Common (v1.3 or later)
Mission*.txt files contain file structure information per platform.
Programmer's reference can be found in the help file.
- (TIE) "Board to Destroy Cargo" now "Board with no Effect". [YOGEME#117]
- (XWA) Defect order text now includes IFF. [YOGEME#113]
- (Strings) MeshType added.
- (XWA) Fixes in the Order Var labels.
- Format spec for XWA implemented, includes some backflow into TIE and XvT.
- This means all XWA Unknowns are defined; many that were left were editor-use only or Unused.
- Not all editor-use properties are exposed.
- Various things renamed. BREAKING CHANGE
- ArrDep mothership properties renamed, the
bools are now*ViaMothership
per proper boolean naming convention.
- Waypoint refactor. BREAKING CHANGE
- BaseWaypoint renamed to Waypoint, no longer abstract.
- Xwa.FlightGroup.Waypoint renamed to XwaWaypoint.
- Xwing, TIE, and XvT now use Waypoint (formerly BaseWaypoint) directly. Previously derived classes deleted.
- (TIE) Added Questions.QuestionType and .QuestionCondition enums, PostTrigger and PostTrigType types changed. BREAKING CHANGE
- (Xwing) GetTIECraftType now returns
. - (Xwing) ArrDep
renamed to*ViaHyperspace
and changed tobool
. - (Xwing) Added
enum - (Briefing) EventParameters now a singleton class,
made private in lieu ofGetCount()
. BREAKING CHANGE - (Briefing) Deleted
, since it's redundant withGetCount()
. - (Briefing)
functions added. - (Briefing)
parameter now a collection newEvent
class objects instead ofshort[]
. BREAKING CHANGE- This causes many changes throughout. Most of the work is now done within the collection or event itself without requiring a lot of array manipulation.
changed to newDifficulties
enum. - (Xwing Briefing) Couple internal changes around event conversion.
short[] _eventMapper
nowEventMap[] _eventMaps
.short getEventMapperIndex()
nowEventMap getEventMapper
- (XWA) The TrimEnd fix from v5.0 reapplied and expanded throughout.
- (Converter) Added TieToXvt( ), TieToBop( ), TieToXvtBop( ), XvtBopToXwa( ), TieToXwa( ) upgrade paths
- (Converter) XWA orders convert times and craft type to/from TIE and XvT
- (Converter) XvT to XWA Triggers adjust craft type
- (Converter) Added Countermeasures, ExplosionTime, GlobalUnit and Optionals to Xwa to Xvt Flightgroups
- (Xwing) Fixed up FlightGroup.WaypointIndex
- (TIE) Added FlightGroup.Order.CommandList, Mission.Trigger.TypeList, .AmountList and .ConditionList enums
- (XvT) Briefing EventQuantityLimit corrected to 200
- (XvT) Order and Trigger operators convert time to XWA properly
- (XvT) Added FlightGroup.Order.CommandList, Mission.Trigger.TypeList, .AmountList and .ConditionList enums
- (XWA) Added FlightGroup.Order.CommandList, Mission.Trigger.TypeList, .AmountList and .ConditionList enums
- (XWA) Fixed the time display for "Before Time" trigger/order target type text
- (XWA) Mission.GetDelaySeconds( ) now static BREAKING CHANGE
- (XWA) FG.Designation Unknown 0x14 renamed to "HYP from Any Region" [YOGEME#91]
- (XWA) Arr/Dep Method1 changed to byte to handle value of 2, "HYP to region of mothership" BREAKING CHANGE
- (BaseBriefing) New "Skip Marker" event, for TIE and XvT
- (XWA) Region references in Triggers and Orders prepped for string replacement similar to FGs and Teams [YOGEME#82]
- (XWA) Fixed Message reading after length increased in 5.7.3
- Updates for TIE. Deleted items are those confirmed to have zero effect in the exectuable. [Issue #12]
- "Captured on Ejection" and "Secret Goals" removed
- Trigger "Unknown (arrive?)" now "cannon subsystem disabled"
- Trigger Type "Craft When" fixed
- Trigger Type "Misc" now "Adjusted AI Skill", added "Status" and "All Craft" types to match XvT
- Status "No Lasers" now "No Turrets", everything past "Hyperdrive Added" deleted
- Orders after "Board to Repair" deleted
- (XxT) Briefing TicksPerSecond updated to 21 (0x15) instead of 20.
- (XWA) Message length limit increased to 68.
- (XWA) Added missing Squadron logo options in Mission.LogoEnum
- (XWA) Message Trigger And/Or read now checks for 1 instead of any odd value (JB)
- More work from Random Starfighter
- (TIE) New ctors for FG.Order, Mission Trigger
- (XvT) ctors added last rev now call the blanks prior to working
- (XvT) Strings.OrderDesignation added
- (XWA) New ctors for FG.Goal, FG Order, FG.Waypoint, Mission.Trigger
- (XWA) Fixed a Message.OriginatingFG issue during deletes
- (Xwing.Strings) Formation fixed, first is "Double Vic" and last two are Undefined.
- (XvT) New constructors for FG.Goal, FG.Order and Mission.Trigger (JB)
- (XWA.Strings) Removed "Not Identified" from Status
- Some fixes from RandomStarfighter
- (All) SS Patrol and SS Await Return order strings now show target info
- (XWA) Hyper to Region order text updated with token
- (XWA) Fixed some CraftType errors in Order and Trigger strings
- (Converter) FG Goal amounts fixed when converting from XW [YOGEME#55] (JB)
- (Converter) Fixed an exception message
- Several items around X-wing Briefing conversions, most related to YOGEME#51 and YOGEME#53
- (Converter) Fixed Description, since it wasn't always splitting out hints properly
- (Converter) Removed auto creation of Page Break before ClearText
- (Converter) Removed the MoveMap multiplier in XW-XWA
- (Converter) Skip over porting "None" events
- (XW) ClearText event now correctly maps to Page Break, v5.2 WaitForClick conversion removed
- (XW) WaitForClick briefing event wasn't converting to Page Break, causing failures after mission conversions [YOGEME#51]
- (XWA) Trigger And/Or values now read XWA's method of (value & 1) = TRUE. Still only writes 0/1 [Related to YOGEME#48]
- (XWA) Changed Trim to TrimEnd for craft Name and Cargos during load, as there's the
potential for a leading
which would keep the rest of the string - Mostly XvT-related updates by Random Starfighter BREAKING CHANGES
- Mission.RndSeed discovered
- FlightGroup.Unknown2 is now StopArrivingWhen enum
- FlightGroup.Unknown3 is now RandomArrivalDelayMinutes
- FlightGroup.Unknown4 is now RandomArrivalDelaySeconds
- FG Goals discovered to have an array of Enabled values, not just the one followed by a Team value (which happened to just work for SP missions). Consumes Unk10-15.
- Documentation updates to Mission_XvT.txt for some of the finer workings of some triggers and conditions
- (XWA) Global Group references in Orders and Triggers prepped for string replacement, similar to FGs and Teams.
Many of these are BREAKING CHANGES
- A lot of arrays and such were changed to use auto-properties, many of them with private set
- A lot of other arrays and objects were set to
- (TIE.Flightgroup) PermaDeath changed to
- (TIE.Strings) IFF numbers removed from defaults
- (XWA.Mission) Iffs renamed to IFFs
- (XWA.Mission.Trigger) IFF substitution implemented
- (Xwing.Briefing) IsVisible( ) removed
- (Xwing.Briefing) EventCount( ) removed
- (Xwing.Briefing) Visible renamed to IsVisible
- (Xwing.Briefing)
fields have PascalCase applied - (Xwing.Briefing) EventMapper now
private readonly static _eventMapper
- Lots of fixes and tweaks by Random Starfighter
- (BaseMessage) Message length increased to 64 from 63
- (BaseStrings) FormationMine added, ShipClass and ObjectType updated
- (*.Order) SafeString implementated
- (*.Strings) Ability to reset CraftType and CraftAbbrv to defaults
- (*.Trigger) SafeString implementated
- (*.Trigger) ToString( ) now prevents "of of"
- (*.Mission) Better Save backup
- (*.Mission) Message load null term fixed
- (Tie.Mission) Handling to load incomplete briefing questions
- (XvT.FlightGroup.Order) TriggerType expanded
- (XvT.Mission) Unknown4 and 5 removed, part of new IFF names
- (XvT.Mission) Unknown6 renamed to PreventMissionOutcome
- (XvT.Mission.IffNameIndexer) New
- (XvT.Mission.Trigger) TriggerType expanded
- (XvT.Strings) Various updates to throughout
- (XWA.Strings) RoleTeams updated
- (Xwing.Flightgroup) Raw values for Pitch/Yaw/Roll instead of degrees
- (Xwing.Flightgroup) Internal string length increased
- (Xwing.Mission) Unknown1 renamed to RndSeed
- (Xwing.Mission) Fixed Yaw/Pitch being flipped during save
- (Xwing.Mission) FlightGroup limit increased to 255
- (Xwing.Mission) MessageLimit decreased to 0
- (Xwing.Strings) FormationObject updated
- (*.Mission) Added backup during save
- (XWA.Strings) Orbit order details
- (*.Strings) More details to OverrideShipList length exception
- (Xwing.Strings) Added OverrideShipList
- (XWA.Strings) Added missing craft entry to shiplist
- (*.Mission) Fixed Pitch value check during write
- (Xwing.Mission) Add object angle conversion to/from degrees
- Lots of fixes, tweaks and new features by Random Starfighter BREAKING CHANGES
- Xwing95 platform support
- helper functions throughout for FG/Message move/delete
- (All) EditorCraftNumber and DifficultyAbbrv support
- (BaseBriefing) EventParamterCount now a virtual function
- (BaseBriefing) virtual helper functions added
- (BaseStrings) some rewording
- (BaseStrings) SafeString function
- (Converter) capped TIE AI level
- (Converter) fixed errors in TIE PlayerCraft, TIE Briefing.Events, XWA MessageDelay
- (*.FlightGroup) ToString( ) updated
- (*.Mission) updated string encodings
- (*.Mission) fixed a null exception during fs.Close( )
- (*.Strings) some rewording
- (Tie.FlightGroup) added Campaign perma-death, formerly Unk9 and Unk10
- (Tie.Mission) added EndOfMissionColor
- (Tie.Mission) fixed read/write of highlighting in officer questions
- (Tie.Strings) added missing CraftWhen values
- (Xvt.Briefing) removed team initialization
- (Xvt.BriefingCollection) improved team initialization
- (Xvt.FlightGroup) added Energy Beam, Ion Pulse, Cluster Mine
- (Xvt FlightGroup) added PreventCraftNumbering, DepartureClockMinutes, DepartureClockSeconds, formerly Unk 19, 20, 21
- (Xvt.FlightGroup) Skip trigger default to
- (Xvt.FlightGroup.Goal) TimeLimit, formerly Unk16
- (Xvt.FlightGroup.LoadoutIndexer) added IonPulse, EnergyBeam and ClusterMine
- (Xvt.FlightGroup.Order) added "All IFFs except" target type
- (Xvt.Mission) Renamed MissionType.MPMelee
- (Xvt.Mission) fixed Departure and Arrival2 R/W, other R/W corrections to match format updates
- (Xvt.Mission) Mission Succ/Fail/Desc load changed to TrimEnd
- (Xvt.Mission) YOGEME signature moved to within MissionDescription instead of "outside" format
- (Xvt.Strings) added RoleTeams, Difficulty and DIfficultyAbbrv arrays, EnergyBeam value
- (Xwa.Briefing) removed team initialization
- (Xwa.BriefingCollection) improved team initialization
- (Xwa.FlightGroup) added Energy Beam, Cluster Mine
- (Xwa.FlightGroup) Designations are disabled by default
- (Xwa.FlightGroup.Goal) Unk43 added
- (Xwa.FlightGroup.LoadoutIndexer) Energy Beam, Ion Pulse, Cluster Mine added/implemented
- (Xwa.FlightGroup.Order) now default to
- (Xwa.FlightGroup.Order) time trigger added
- (Xwa.FlightGroup.Order) SafeString( ) implemented
- (Xwa.FlightGroup.Order) helper functions for Skip triggers
- (Xwa.Message) updated to Delay
- (Xwa.Mission) R/W corrections to match format updates
- (Xwa.Mission) mission strings changed to TrimEnd on read
- (Xwa.Mission) YOGEME signature moved to within MissionDescription instead of "outside" format
- (Xwa.Mission) added GetDelaySeconds( )
- (Xwa.Mission) FlightGroupLimit increased to 192
- (Xwa.Mission.Trigger) SafeString( ) implemented
- (Xwa.Mission>Trigger) delay calculation fixed
- (Xwa.Strings) RoleTeams added
- (Xwa.Strings) order docking text updated
- (*.Strings) "at least 1" changed to "any"
- (Tie.Mission) additional cleanup of officer question read/write
- (Xwa.Strings) removed "?" from "be delievered"
- (XWA.FlightGroup.Goal) Proximity triggers include distance in ToString
- (XWA.FlightGroup.Orders) TriggerType unknowns filled in [#1]
- (XWA.Globals.Goal) Proximity triggers include distance in ToString
- (XWA.Mission.Trigger) Proximity triggers include distance in ToString
- (XWA.Mission.Trigger) TriggerType unknowns filled in [#1]
- (XWA.Mission) FlightGroupLimit was raised to 132 for the time being, this is post-SuperBackDrops install to prevent errors
- (XWA.Strings) TriggerType unknowns filled in [#1]
- (XWA.Strings) Escort order had "Meaningless" replaced with "Position"
- (XWA.FlightGroup.Orders) Fixed the waypoint inversion [YOGEME#16]
- (XWA.FlightGroup) Added some Backdrop-specific properties that alias the appropriate standard properties.
- (TIE.Strings) Added missing "*" from Med Trans
- (*.Strings) Added ability to replace craft list [YOGEME#10]
- Lots of fixes and new features by Random Starfighter
- (*.Mission) Enforced string encodings
- (TIE.FlightGroup.Order) Hack for _checkValues added
- (TIE.Mission) Added Message length check during load
- (TIE.Mission) Fixed Global Goal loading
- (TIE.Strings) Added Decoy Beam
- (XvT.Briefing) Added Team functionality
- (XvT.FlightGroup.Goal) Fixed points casts
- (XvT.FlightGroup.Goal) Added Team visiblity
- (XvT.Mission) Fixed craft options
- (XvT.Mission) Added Message length check during load
- (XvT.Mission) Fixed FG Unks
- (XvT.Mission) Fixed Message Color writing
- (XvT.Mission) Fixed Team writing
- (XvT.Mission) Fixed Briefing Team read/write
- (XvT.Strings) Added empty CraftWhen entries
- (XvT.Strings) Added "each special craft" amount
- (XWA.FlightGroup) Added Ion Pulse warhead
- (XWA.FlightGroup.Goal) Updated ToString
- (XWA.Mission) Fixed Unk3 initialization
- (XWA.Mission) Fixed craft Options
- (XWA.Strings) Added Unk Role values
- (XWA.Strings) Added Unk Amount values
- (Converter) Fixed XWA to TIE player's craft conversion
- (All) Inverted the Y axis on all waypoints during read/write so in-game map and editor appearance match, but editor is still "positive up"
- Fixed various references in comments
- (BaseTrigger) Added TriggerIndex enum
- (XvT.Globals.Goal) set to Serializable
- (XvT.Globals.Goal) Deleted GoalStringIndexer, strings wrapped into new subclass, Trigger
- Converted license to MPLv2.0
- (*.FlightGroupCollection) SetCount and IsModified implementation
- (*.MessageCollection) SetCount and IsModified implementation
- Couple other minor fixes that have been sitting here for a while...
- (BaseBriefing) Fixed bug regarding StartLength calculation
- (*.FlightGroup) Fixed bug preventing proper SpecialCargoCraft handling during Load/Save
- (Tie.FlightGroup) Added Unknowns.Unknown19, 20 and 21
- (Tie.Officers) Fixed bug in Save( ) causing '[' and ']' to save as characters instead of the appropriate highlighting codes
- (Xvt.Briefing) Fixed bug in Save( ) preventing proper Event writing
- (Xvt.Mission) Fixed critical bug in LoadMission( ) that resulted in unhandled exception
- (Xwa.Mission) Fixed critical bug in Save( ) causing infinite loop and filesize
Includes various BREAKING CHANGES
- (BaseBriefing) Added EventParameterCount
- (BaseBriefing) Events[] is now
- (BaseFlightGroup.BaseOrder) New
- (BaseFlightGroup.BaseWaypoint) New
- (BaseTrigger) Inherits
- (*.FlightGroup) Added ToString( ) overrides
- (*.FlightGroup.Goal) Added ToString( ) override, exceptions
- (*.FlightGroup.Goal) Inherits
- (*.FlightGroup.LoadoutIndexer) Inherits
- (*.FlightGroup.Order) Added ToString( ) overrides, exceptions, conversions
- (*.FlightGroup.Order) Inherits BaseFlightGroup.BaseOrder
- (*.FlightGroup.Waypoint) Added conversions
- (*.FlightGroup.Waypoint) Inherits BaseFlightGroup.BaseWaypoint
- (*.FlightGroupCollection) Added GetList( )
- (*.Mission) Deleted NumFlightGroups, NumMessages
- (*.Mission) Inherits MissionFile
- (*.Mission.Trigger) Added conversions, exceptions, ToString( ) overrides
- (*.TeamCollection) Added GetList( )
- (Tie.FlightGroup) Radio renamed to FollowsOrders
- (Tie.FlightGroup.FGGoals) Added exceptions
- (Tie.FlightGroup.FGGoals) Inherits
- (Tie.Mission) Added CraftCheck( ), CheckTarget( )
- (Tie.Mission) IffHostile inherits
- (Tie.Mission) EndOfMissionMessages inherits
- (Tie.Mission.IffNameIndexer) Inherits
- (Xvt.FlightGroup) Roles is now
- (Xvt.Globals.Goal) Removed AndOrIndexer
- (Xvt.Globals.Goal) AndOr is now
- (Xvt.Mission) Added CraftCheck( ), CheckTarget( ), MissionTypeEnum
- (Xvt.Mission) BoP renamed to IsBop
- (Xvt.Strings) Removed MissType
- (Xvt.Team) EndOfMissionMessages is now
- (Xwa.Briefing) Removed Team.set{}
- (Xwa.Briefing) Added BriefingStringNotes
- (Xwa.FlightGroup.Waypoint) Added ToString( ) override
- (Xwa.Mission) Added LogoEnum, HangarEnum, *Notes
- (Xwa.Mission) GlobalGroups, Regions, Iffs are now
- (Xwa.Mission) Hangar renamed to MissionType
- (Xwa.Mission.Trigger)
now accepts Length = 4 - (Xwa.Mission.Strings) Removed Logo, Hangar
- Back-end updates
Copyright © 2009-2024 Michael Gaisser
This library file and related files are licensed under the Mozilla Public License
v2.0 or later. See License.txt for further details.
"Star Wars" and related items are trademarks of LucasFilm Ltd and LucasArts Entertainment Co.