A silly script that randomly generates tweets that make it look like Donald Trump is actually Big Boss from the first Metal Gear game on the MSX.
This script is forked from my first proper Twitter bot, The Jeremy Kylebot. To learn how to fork your own repo on GitHub, simply follow my simple guide.
The quotes contained in the patterns/big-boss.json
file were orginally
ripped by the user Nekura_Hoka on
GameFAQs, whose complete
rip can be found in the msx--metal-gear--script.txt
file in
this repo, or on the GameFAQs
- Copy the example auth file to the correct location and fill in your details.
cp auth/example.json auth/auth.json
$EDITOR auth/auth.json
- Create an empty virtual environment and work in it.
virtualenv .env
source .env/bin/activate
- Install the package requirements.
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Just run the script, everything will happen automatically.