Build system and (cross-)compilation
Issues not related to a specific subsystem
Improvements or additions to documentation
Translations, internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n)
mcdiff, the built-in diff viewer
mcedit, the built-in text editor
mcview, the built-in text editor
Theming support and skin files
Testing Midnight Commander
Interaction with the terminal, screen libraries
Virtual File System support
Needs triage by maintainers
This problem will block progress
Serious problem that could block progress
Minor problem or easily worked around
Has the potential to affect progress
The ticket is not a bug, or is a support request
The bug reported in the ticket cannot be reproduced
If not using PRs: associated branch has been approved
If not using PRs: associated branch is being reviewed
Reproducible in version 4.6.1
Reproducible in version 4.6.2-pre1
Reproducible in version 4.6.2
Reproducible in version 4.7.0-pre1
Reproducible in version 4.7.0-pre2
Reproducible in version 4.7.0-pre3