- Reverse Method Call Using
Operator: Simplifies null-safe method calls, making your code cleaner and more robust.
// Traditional approach: 👇
if (obj != null) {
// With flutter_be: 👍
obj?.be.addTo(aList: list);
Add flutter_be
as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml
flutter_be: last_version
Then, run flutter pub get to install the package.
Here are some examples of how to use the flutter_be package:
import 'package:flutter_be/be.dart';
void main() {
var list = <String>[];
'item'.be.addTo(aList: list);
print(list); // Output: ['item']
var setCollection = <String>{};
'item'.be.addTo(aSet: setCollection);
print(setCollection); // Output: {'item'}
import 'package:flutter_be/be.dart';
void main() {
dynamic val = 'test';
onValue: (value) {
print(value); // Output: 'test'
onNull: () {
print('The object is null or not of the expected type');
import 'package:flutter_be/be.dart';
void main() {
String? string = 'hello';
Widget widget = string.be.defaultValueCase<Widget>(
(val) => Text(val),
onNull: (val) => Container(),
import 'package:flutter_be/be.dart';
void main() {
var list = <String>[];
onEmpty: () {
print('The list is empty'); // Output: 'The list is empty'
onNotEmpty: () {
print('The list is not empty');
onEmptyOrNull: () {
print('The list is null or empty');
var nullableList = null;
onEmpty: () {
print('The list is empty');
onNotEmpty: () {
print('The list is not empty');
onEmptyOrNull: () {
print('The list is null or empty'); // Output: 'The list is null or empty'
import 'package:flutter_be/be.dart';
void main() {
var object1 = 'test';
var object2 = 'test';
bool isEqual = object1.be.equalTo(object2, nonull: true);
print(isEqual); // Output: true
import 'package:flutter_be/be.dart';
void main() {
int? count = 5;
loopBody: (i) => print(i), // Output: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
isAscending: true,
import 'package:flutter_be/be.dart';
void main() {
bool? boolValue = true;
onTrue: () {
print('The value is true'); // Output: 'The value is true'
onFalse: () {
print('The value is false');
onFalseOrNull: () {
print('The value is false or null');
boolValue = null;
onTrue: () {
print('The value is true');
onFalse: () {
print('The value is false');
onFalseOrNull: () {
print('The value is false or null'); // Output: 'The value is false or null'
When you need to ensure type safety or call methods that require a specific type (e.g., let or defaultValueCase), use beOf to wrap your dynamic object into a Be of the specified type:
import 'package:flutter_be/be.dart';
void main() {
dynamic val = 'hello';
var beObj = val.beOf<String>(); // Be<String> type
onValue: (value) {
print(value); // Output: 'hello'
onNull: () {
print('The object is null or not of the expected type');
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE
file for more information.